One Thousand Elo Four Versus Four Arena

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  • #12877

    When an enemy manages to build a castle right outside my walls, the best thing I can do is to quickly respond by rushing to take it down.


    Please please if you’re the flank in a 4v4 arena game make sure you are on stone so you can put up your own castle even if you don’t plan on going forward.

    Also if you get castle dropped you should add more walls.


    I used to have this problem since I almost always play flank.

    The first I did was learn a castle drop Build Order (I think it’s 26+2) and then depending on the civ match up I can do a castle drop myself or have a defensive one.

    I like using Britons because the longbowman is an excellent unit to pick off vils as they come forward or if you do a castle drop yourself you can annoy their vils from a long distance.

    At my Elo (13xx) the more common strat now is towers in feudal so I just wall up within my walls to negate the tower rush and then use my stone for towers of my own or a defensive Castle.

    Another important action is to have your scout patrol the area where the Castle drop would happen or have a watch tower.

    TLDR: Collect stone, Scout the area, Be ready.


    build an army, when they move forward with vills kills them all.


    Get a Castle up yourself and go faster to imp

    You could consider boom + ram push but I think that’s always worse


    First thing is to wall off.

    Just incase the pocket player is going to flood knights in.

    Defensive castle and get to IMP as soon as possible.


    Go imp, treb it down.

    Make a castle to prevent a second one inside.

    One cool trick, use a monk to spam click all enemy villagers, they will stop building automatically, once the second monk is out you let the first convert and spam with the other.

    This way the castle drop will take forever to finish


    If you are playing flank arena be aggresive.

    If you get castle on your front there is nothing to stop them from going straight to pocket and him dying becuse he got 2v1 and you couldnt help becuse you had a castle in front of your base.

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