One Thing That Annoys Me Greatly in Age of Empires II

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  • #13252

    When you queue as Malians on Mongolia and use town patrol outposts to scout the hidden Burmese stables in the back of the opponents base where they are secretly massing battle elephants and you deviously make 16 monks ready to hit them with the UNO reverse only for fucking server lag to kick in right as you start converting and all your old men get massacred.


    People who keep unpausing the game when I pause.

    One of my favourite things about this game is the pause functionality and how mature people are usually around using it.

    I do 4v4s with friends and its quite often someone needs between 10-60 seconds to just open the door.

    Or they’ll have a technical issue with their screen, or cats will keep jumping on them etc.

    And then you have someone who constantly unpauses it when we pause with 0 explanation.

    Like, do you really want to play vs AFK players?

    Is it honestly not worth just waiting 30 seconds?

    I never shit talk but when we win and someone does I usually make an exception.

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