When I forget to turn on the Small Trees mod after an update and only remember after joining a ranked 1v1, my opponent can take advantage of a small gap in my wall and send a lot of knights into my base.
I used to get annoyed at team mates quitting early in 2v2, to the point where I would just play on anyway.
Had a game last week where my ally quit.
Enemy called GG
I asked them, “so you’re going to surrender or what?”
I won that game. 1500 ELO
Turks cavalry archers, supported by a few monks, bombard cannons/towers, and a constant stream of hussar.
Bohemians and Spanish can also snowball quite well.
Constantly being forced to play horrible maps when queuing alone in multiplayer ranked
if i play ffa and players secretly ally togethe and trade
When my husband plays it every friday night
Sheep stealing.
Four Lakes is a close second.
For me it is forgetting to enable small trees, getting annoyed followed by rage queuing for next game only to realize I forgot to enable it even now.
I’m not going to give ideas to trolls online 😅😅
Low key this is why I play a skirmish or campaign level every update.
I can quit out consequence free after about a minute if I want, or I can run through a build order for practice/warm up and then go back to playing what I actually want to
Game crashes after each new update
Players who build wonders right off the bat
Allies who don’t carry their weight.
I really love it when I look away for one second and see my Crossbow mass split in two off of a hill as 30 Knights run in, take the hill, and kill half of my army before they even fire a shot.
I’m sorry, what happened to stand on the hill and shoot the first enemy in range?
If this has happened to you, please join me in harassing the developers to change the “Collide and Correct” behavior which was added in DE where your units disobey all orders and logic and walk out of the way for one single unit and don’t stop walking until they reach their destination, usually causing them all to take a terrible fight against knights or walk into Castle fire.
New over-saturated high contrast player colors (compared to AoE2 HD).
I hate it.
New main menu background (and not the one from the AoE2HD which was perfect, just the background street, not necessarily the buttons)
And Bohemian monastery.