of the maya Fourth Mesoamerican Civilization of the Maya

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  • #16221

    Many times when people talk about civilization design/new civilizations, the concept of a fourth Mesoamerican civ is often brought up.

    I would like to expand on this idea by suggesting the following bonuses and units:

    Possible bonuses:

    Free infantry armor upgrades, instead of emphasizing a certain type of unit, this civilization could be focused on power spikes with eagles, similar to Magyars but with a Mesoamerican twist.

    Free crossbow + arbalest, an incredibly strong bonus that would alter the way you play and strategize.

    You can’t just let your opponent have archers nearby, you have to eliminate them before they become stronger.

    Faster eagles at different ages, having ultra-fast eagles that get even swifter as you progress sounds fun.

    Possible unique units:

    Blowdarter, a crossbow that ignores armor but has a lower base attack.

    Spearman + skirmisher, throw javelins that can take out cavalry and archers.

    Possible civilization names:

    Toltecs, close to the timeline of Age of Empires II and we can get Coyote Warriors.

    Tarascans, they were distinct for their metalworking.



    Blowdarter should not ignore armor imo, they should be fast, have low range and low attack but some kind of venom effect


    I’d love a civ that had a tech like forced levy for eagles.

    Probably wouldn’t get elite eagle but maybe their castle age tech buffs them a little bit.


    I think there should be a Hawaiian civ.

    Lots of potential


    It be better to have bonuses that represent the unique cultures and lifestyles of the mesos.

    These bonuses are fine but could be added to any Civ really.

    More unique stuff like:


    Fish farms can be built and farmed by shore fisherman. (Historically reference to chinampas, floating farms)


    Castles generate food or gold (The meso pyramids were spiritual to their ppl)


    Military units get naturally bill bonus even when on flat ground. (Likely to strong for Archers but represent gorilla warfare tactics, which is mainly how they fought)


    UU that can steal villagers


    Buildings get +1 elevation per age (Great defensive bonus, and represents their mound building)


    Land Military units can walk slowly on water, shore lines only. (Reference to Amazon river and again their people road building)


    Can build roads to improve nearby units speed or roads automatically built that connect Eco buildings.

    Inca trail


    Units return X% of resources in food cost


    I don’t want to be a pedantic know-it-all, but the Incas were not Mesoamerican.

    The big three Mesoamerican civilisations were undoubtetly the Aztecs, the Maya, and the Tarascans/Purepecha.

    The Tarascans could be a defensive archer civ.

    However, if we want to add another South American civ instead of a Mesoamerican one, I think the Chimú would be a good choice.

    They could be a naval civ.


    We could easily double the number of American civs, even without including North America.

    Tarascans, Zapotecs/Mixtecs, Musica, Mapuche, Chimu, and others are all still decent candidates.


    Pedantic note:

    There are only 2 “Meso” civs: Aztecs and Mayans.

    Incas can’t be considered a Mesoamerican civ because there never were in Mesoamerica, but in South America.

    That’s why so many players think that Incas should have a different architecture set, since they didn’t really have much to do with Aztecs and Mayans.


    The Talokanil from Wakanda Forever and let it be a Naval Civilization /s


    Yea and their team bonus can be onagers that shoot 3x as far


    I really would like to see North American civs.

    There are two that always come to mind, the Pueblo and the Mississippians.

    I imagine they would get Eagles as historically accurate as Mayans and Incas.

    I would love to see Tomahawk Throwers as a UU with a bonus vs cavalry.

    A UT which is the formation of the Haudenosaunee/Iroqois league, trade bonuses, maybe a hill based bonus surrounding their buildings.

    Maybe the Pueblo could get houses that can be garrisoned like TCs, maybe only with archers.

    They deserve to be in the game.


    Either a US or a Brazilian civ.


    A carribean civ would make the most sense from game perspective.

    We might not need another eagle civ, but a meso naval civ could be an interesting one to open up some alternative gameplay.

    What I can think of is having canoe to replace fishing ship which have a smal attack that increase per age.

    In dark age they can harass enemy’s fishing ship but not effective to kill them.

    A lot more can be done but I’ll leave it here.


    If we add Tarascans we should call them by their real name: the Purepicha

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