Nomad’s Vision Begins After Task Completion

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  • #8690

    Thanks to this mod, players can now enjoy a version of Nomad where Allied Vision isn’t active until the TCs go up.


    i think just delaying the shared vision to 10 seconds in game time is the best compromise between getting your vils sorted and the benefit of seeing your ally positioning (waiting until TC is up might affect dock placements for example)


    How come this is a problem at all?

    Everyone use idle villager hotkey anyway at the start right.

    Could click it somewhat slower to really catch location on the minimap.

    The extra vision you get from this point onwards really is just incredibly useful.

    Old porto TB was one of the best TB you could possibly have on nomad before, in my opinion.

    In general, you’ll have so much more scouting for free basically, which both aids the decision making as well as increasing the likelyhood of getting more hunt, particularly early.

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