No More Divisions of Society!

  • This topic has 34 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by GMFPs_sweat_towel.
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  • #11502

    People have been proposing to divide many civilizations and I’m unsure of the purpose of doing so.

    The Indians and Slavs were separated due to their different cultures and religions, which is understandable.

    However, this has triggered a desire to split other civilizations, which I find unnecessary.

    For instance, the Italians and Teutons had similar cultures and religions, so it would be pointless to divide them.

    Splitting the Chinese would be illogical, as they are all inhabitants of China, and it would get rid of one of the original civilizations in Age of Empires.

    Additionally, the Saracens and Byzantines were unified culturally and religiously, so it would be counterproductive to split them.

    Even the suggestion to separate the Seljuks and Ottomans into their own civilizations is puzzling.

    Most of the civilizations are already accurate enough, so I believe that further splitting should be avoided.


    Please split spanish into Castilian, Aragonese, basque and andalousia


    I’d love to see civs from completely unrepresented parts of the world than splitting existing civs.

    There are currently no Pacific civs.

    It would be great to see an expansion with say [The Tongans](, [the Pohnpeians](, and [The Yapese](

    It would also be nice to have a few more American and Sub-Saharan African civs.


    It’s nothing to do with actual history.

    The *real* reason why you can’t split the Chinese, Turks, Saracens, and Teutons is because they’re founding AoE2 civilizations and iconic to the game.

    The reason why you could split the Slavs or Italians, and why Indians were splittable, is because they are not that important to the history of AoE2.


    The Chinese have not all been uniform for most of their existence.

    It was only with the recent cultural revolution that their differences really began to disappear, and even that’s not complete.

    Yunnan, Fujian, and Gansu each have distinct cultures within them, and their histories are worth seeing and playing.

    Far more deserving than “Italians”, “Bohemians”, and “Teutons”, all being parts of the HRE.


    Meanwhile the Romanians have a campaign but not civ.


    >Well the Chinese are the inhabitants of China, which has largely always been a unanimous land



    I assume this must be a parody right?


    I maintain that Teutons have potential.

    In that I think an HRE, Crusader states (Outremer), and potentially the Livonia order are cool and somewhat represented by the Teutons.

    As for what to do with these as factions, I have no idea.


    Agreed, personally I was against the first civ split.

    I am happy with the addition of new civs, but am still disappointed with the loss of Indians and its replacement with the Hindustanis.

    They could have changed the name and otherwise left it alone, but instead replacing a fun if idiosyncratic civ with an almost uncounterable powerhouse was a loss imo.



    Indians were a special case


    Well I agree with teutons and Italians being fine.

    I think you misunderstood the desire for a Chinese spilt.

    I think literally no one wants China to change just add another civ or two for the massive region.

    The thing with Saracens is we have very little that represents the typically depiction of the Middle East.

    I’d like more Muslim representation in the game.

    Just because it was such a vast area with so many different styles of war and culture.


    Can’t we have both?

    So in this scenario, the original Chinese Civ remains, thus keeping the sanctity of an original AOK Civ and us all still enjoying saying Chokunu.

    But then have the additional variations of Chinese Civs that are available for future novelty Civs, potential S tier Civs and everything inbetween.

    So the Chinese are not getting split, they are getting lit.

    And same goes for any other potential lit Civs.


    OP is right, all this “split this split that” nonsense started with post-Dynasties of India splitting Italians requests and slowly started to evolve to “split Vikings and Japanese” without having a single concept.


    Byzantines are getting split soon with the new xpack lol.


    Another problem with splitting civs is that the more civil there are the more difficult it becomes to balance the game

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