: new players New Players’ Issues with Mods

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  • #8012

    I observed that my modifications were not active, so I went back in to activate them.

    The modifications I use (around 20) were not all present, so I had to download and subscribe to them again and then restart the game for them to take effect.

    After I restarted the game, I saw that my total modifications had decreased to 10 again.

    I am not sure why this is occurring, does anyone know a solution?



    You need to resubscribe, then after that close the game, and go to C:\Users\(Your username)\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\(some numbers)\mods\ and copy the folders from the “subscribed” folder to the “local” one, that will stop them from disappearing every time you load the game.

    Hope it helps


    Lots of people reporting this issue.

    Not seen any official communication about it, though.


    you dont understand.

    Age of empires this year is “upside down”


    We’re investigating this issue, in the meantime I recommend you to do a temporary fix.

    Before you launch the game, please make a copy of mod-status.json file, this can be found here:

    C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\YOUR_STEAM_ID\mods\mod-status.json

    You should also copy your mods to /local.

    Mods default folder is: C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\YOUR_STEAM_ID\mods\subscribed

    Copy the folders found there in:

    C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\YOUR_STEAM_ID\mods\local


    I have the same problem, and I have tried several times to install the mods I want, but they are like 30 or so and when I re-open the game it varies between 12 and 20 and they are always different, is pretty hard to play like this because I’m used to my interface and having to choose only 10 mods is a big problem and it will take some time to get used to it.


    If you need to recover mods.

    Dont suscribe to more than 9 at once.

    Sub to some, copy them to local, then desuscribe.

    Having all your mods on local folder is a MUST nowadays.

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