New Player, Playing on Xbox Series S.

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    I’m currently struggling in a 1v1 game at moderate difficulty and normal speed.

    Although I’m not experienced with RTS games, I’ve always had an interest in playing them since I was young.

    Despite not always following the villager priority system, I feel like I’m getting better at optimizing my civilization slowly but surely.

    However, I always seem to lose and end up forfeiting when the other team has a massive civilization with multiple town centers and other advanced structures.

    I’m currently using the new AI, but I’m wondering if I should switch to CD or HD to improve my skills.

    Can anyone offer any advice?


    Have you tried standard or easiest difficulty?

    It takes a while if you’re brand new just to get used to everything that’s going on in a single match and all the things u can do and what they mean.

    You might also check out some beginner videos like spirit of the law, survivalist, and Hera.

    Viper also has a series where he plays against the ai.


    I play on xbox, RTS is a lot of fun and playing against the computer is great way to learn the game.

    I would encourage you to not be so hard on yourself about the score of an A.I.


    Often times the computer is much more difficult than an actual player, especially on xbox.

    I think the next step is playing against human opponents, whether you win or lose you can save the replay of the match and figure out what things you can improve on, most of the time it is idoling your TC or idle resource/poor resource balance, or an idle military.

    Also getting away from the Auto ECO system I highly encourage, you will learn to hold left trigger and task que vills

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