Movement speed of battle elephants should be set to 1.0.

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  • #19117

    At present, the running speeds of elephants with Husbandry perk are .85 and .935, which is only slightly faster than a villager (.8), but slower than Xbows (.96) and Pikemen 1.0 (1.1 with Squires).

    This enables elephants to outrun Pikemen, kill villagers and catch Xbows.

    However, Pikemen can still serve as a defensive counter, Monks remain a challenge, and Xbows can still evade effectively.


    Devs nerfed Khmer Battle Elephants precisely *because* they caught archers in team games.



    All the reasons you mentioned is the reason why Battle Elephants speed is kept at a low 0.85.

    The bigger stupidity was reducing their attack from 16 to 14.

    Around a year ago, I think.

    Eles are designed to be slow, but powerful.

    They need to be supported with other units to keep them viable.

    However, when they do catch up, their attack should be high enough to make it worthwhile.


    Theoretically speaking they should, in battle I very much doubt you’d outrun an elephant especially when wearing armor.

    That said, we need balance in this game, you could make them faster, but then you’d have to make them weaker in other aspects, stats or cost.

    Elephant units have come a long way, and are imo viable especially in team games.

    But they won’t ever be a replacement for heavy mobile cavalry, they trade mobility for raw power and pop efficiency.


    Pikes should be able to catch elephants.


    There’s a lot of realism arguments you could make.

    For example, African elephants can run about twice as fast as Asian elephants, yet ingame these elephants are a lot slower than their Asian cousins.

    But then there’s game balance.

    Elephants are not put in the game as fast raiding units.

    They’re meant as slow tanks, heavy artillery.

    Not the best in the field, but downright devastating in close quarters.

    You should always mix in some ranged units with your elephants to kill pikes.

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