Mongols FC Aiding Arabian Strategy

  • This topic has 14 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by total_score2.
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    I am currently at around 1100 ELO and I am looking for advice from higher ELO players.

    I recently tested out a build and it proved to be successful.

    I started with a Drush to get a fast castle followed by eight Steppe Lancers to get raid value.

    I then moved to Stone and Market to get a forward castle.

    I was aggressive while also denying the side with the best expansion.

    After that I walled off the map and kept getting stone.

    When I hit Imperial Age, I mass produced Hussars and went for the kill.

    I am wondering if this is the best way to make use of the Mongol’s early economic bonuses and deal with their awkward mid game.

    Is this the right approach or should I do something else?

    I would appreciate any advice from higher ELO players.


    drush fc used to be much stronger.

    drush has kinda fallen out of favor a bit because people click up faster, and have generally gotten better at defending drush (small walls).

    You might find that some players can defend the drush well and hit you hard in feudal.

    If you can wall up pretty good before this (maybe you have a dope map) you should still be OK.


    If you skip the stone walls and castle, you can just destroy their economy with 30 steppe lancers.

    The forward castle can come later without using the market.


    Maybe check out the Morley steppe lancer strat or Pooplord’s interpretation of it.

    No drush involved; just super fast up and palisade what you need to make steppe lancers.


    drush fc into steppes is fine.

    after that it becomes a bit too all-in for my blood.

    i like the castle drop idea, but not the market abuse.

    i would just add farms normally, keep producing steppes and keep on the pressure, then drop a castle forward after having mined most (if not all) of the stone.

    you’ll just have a way better eco behind it.

    also im assuming your imp is being bought?

    very very all-in and fragile.

    i mean if youre going for something so all-in, might as well take saracens or something.

    try doing drush fc – 1tc castle age, continuous lancer production, 6-7 vils on stone, castle drop.

    from there you can keep on killing, or even go for a little boom before clicking imp.


    My 14 minute 1 stable lancer build order took me from 1250 to 1567.


    Sure it can be good, drush fc is part of the meta for a reason.

    What you should not do though is necessarily go into every game deciding to use a specific strategy before it even starts.

    You should always adapt the strategy to the specific game.

    If your map is open, it might not be a good idea to fc.

    If they commit harder to early castle age with say xbow, you may have to delay your stone switch and instead build more military.

    It depends.


    MorleyGames on YouTube has a steppe lancer rush go look


    This AOE2 Mongols Build Order Gave me 11 WINS IN 11 Games!! – Steppe Lancer Rush


    Check YouTube, Morley had already posted like 10-15 wins with a similar strategy.


    If you can lame opponent’s boar then this is legit.

    Otherwise notnot


    I faced this exact strategy twice as Portuguese and got destroyed both times.

    The first round I played Archers because long term they’re the best unit for Mangudai and Mongol Hussar lack the final armor.

    I saw Steppe Lancers and figured Crossbow is still good especially since they have less armor than Knights.


    Wasn’t even getting caught out of position trying to find economic damage.

    Just staying home and defending.

    He got in, killed my Crossbows under my town center and kept flooding more Lancers until I had no economy.

    The second round I decided to try Knights since on paper they’re better units and cost effective.

    Equal quantities, with a hill, and full Castle Age upgrades.

    Got destroyed.

    Then he started mixing Camels in and it’s just impossible.

    Genuinely don’t know what to do.

    I have to boom on at least two TC or his economic damage will kill me, or go full aggression, but his Drush sets the pacing and if he goes FC while I’m still chasing his MAA around, how do I get damage in?

    By the time I move out he’ll have Lancers prepared.

    I’m 1250 Elo, anyone know what I should be doing?

    Don’t think monks work well, Lancers are faster than Knights and costing a fraction of the gold, it’s not really worth converting.

    All my Pikes die before they can even swing.

    The current Arabia generation basically guarantees I’ll never be walled.

    What do?


    at 1100 you probably hurt yourself pretty hard with your own drush, but you also might hurt your opponent pretty hard too 11
    besides that, I’d argue that even raw FC is possible against ~1300, because they’re not that good at punsihing that.

    They would need to come forward with a tower and tower your gold or woodline, but thats not their usual BO so they dont know it and then dont do it.

    So at the end of the day I would actually even say: Yes, FC is good against 1100’s, eventhough everybody who is better will tell you that it wont work against slightly better opponents, and these people are right, too.


    Don’t go FC on arabia


    The problem with this strat is you are relying on multiple fraudulent pieces.

    >Drush 3 militia and behind it fast castle.

    If you could simply drush and FC and your opponent hasn’t then probably you can win in many ways.

    Xbows will win the game for you, and booming probably wins the game for you.

    >Rush 8 steppe lancer and get raid value (very easy to do as you can burst the Palisades and win most trades with micro).

    Instead you go for an option that shouldn’t really work.

    You say it is very easy to burst the palisades, what if they react properly?

    What if they put houses down behind the palisade you are attacking?

    They KNOW you hit castle age super fast, they should be house walling already or at least have vills close enough to do so in every part of their base.

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