mode Battling Artificial Intelligence in Difficult Mode

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  • #15503

    After a long hiatus from playing Age of Empires II on PC, I recently returned to the game on console.

    I’m used to beating the AI on the hardest difficulty, but now I’m having trouble even on the hard setting.

    I’ve watched many videos from SOTL, which have been very helpful, and I’m trying to use the Spanish to boom on Arabia.

    I’ve been able to build a palisade, defend the early attacks, and start spamming light cavalry while I wait for my castle and conquistadors.

    I’m able to do some raiding and damage the enemy’s town, but then I seem to lose momentum.

    My light cavalry can’t stay alive long enough to do any real damage, and by the time I reach the Imperial Age, the enemy has too many military units to counter mine.

    They usually overpower me with low-level units until they lay siege to my town.

    Do you have any advice on how to keep the momentum going?

    I know I could be better at micro, but controlling the game with a controller isn’t easy.

    Could that be part of the problem?


    I would recommend a civ swap.

    Try playing as the Franks.

    Get a fast feudal build order down.

    You should be clicking up right around 7:45-8 mins.

    Make sure you keep a good food eco.

    Click up to feudal, make a barracks and then send a few villagers forward to make a stable.

    Once you get to feudal, make 2 scouts and pair them with your starting scout.

    Get the first cavalry armor upgrade.

    Raid gold mines and wood lines.

    And drop a watch tower on their gold and wall it to protect from villager rush.

    Keep making more scouts until you have 5-7.

    and make villagers until you can go up to castle.

    Once you click to castle, send 6 villagers to stone.

    Get to castle and make knights to raid.

    Use the forward villagers to drop a castle in the enemy base.

    Make a siege workshop and a few rams to knock down their TC.


    I beat hard ai on xbox for the first time this or last week i think – archer rush was far easier I found, scouts just run to their death all the time as soon as I’m not looking


    Try a scout into knights build order.

    That will completely obliterate the AI even on extreme.

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