I would recommend a civ swap.
Try playing as the Franks.
Get a fast feudal build order down.
You should be clicking up right around 7:45-8 mins.
Make sure you keep a good food eco.
Click up to feudal, make a barracks and then send a few villagers forward to make a stable.
Once you get to feudal, make 2 scouts and pair them with your starting scout.
Get the first cavalry armor upgrade.
Raid gold mines and wood lines.
And drop a watch tower on their gold and wall it to protect from villager rush.
Keep making more scouts until you have 5-7.
and make villagers until you can go up to castle.
Once you click to castle, send 6 villagers to stone.
Get to castle and make knights to raid.
Use the forward villagers to drop a castle in the enemy base.
Make a siege workshop and a few rams to knock down their TC.