Medieval Monday: Ask Questions and Receive Answers

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  • #16310

    It’s time for another opportunity to pose questions about anything from creating game plans to employing sophisticated tactics.

    Whatever your queries may be, the people in this community are here to provide answers.

    So don’t hesitate to ask away!


    Just started messing with Bulgarians and trying maa at 1k elo.

    Because their archer line is weak, I’ve only been mining enough gold to get me 4 or so units before I pivot to cav.

    Is this a good strat?

    Should I be going forward to tower more?

    The early aggression usually gives me time to wall up and boom towards knight/skirm


    What can you do if opponent’s map is decent, they’ve walled in dark age & going FC knights?

    If you’re going scouts you’re obviously pretty late to do any damage.

    If your own map is not good enough, do you simply use the 3 scouts to wall up & focus on going up asap?

    What if your civ simply loses starting in castle age?

    For example, Huns/Turks vs Berbers.

    Also, if your map is not good against magyars or any good scrush civ (front berries, gold) and you want to go archer/spear, do you generally open scouts, play long feudal if necessary, secure map & switch to xbows?


    why won’t hitting my gate hotkey a second time rotate my goddamn gate anymore



    Just started playing on Xbox, question for you PC people.

    When you play 4 v 4 does everyone pick elephant civs ?


    Do goths have a good answer to shivam,chakram mass in the lategame?

    I find this matchup much worse than even Vikings and Teutons on Arabia, as the only decent goth lategame option to chakrams are handcannons, and shivam/chakrams have a composition advantage over halb/hc.

    When i’ve played this from the goth perspective, the gurjaras always dictate the terms of engagement because their backline massacres your front line and their frontline tanks your backline.


    What happens with flares in 1v1 ranked?

    Do both players see it?


    I recently started playing on xbox with a controller and having great fun.

    My very basic question is how do I send messages in game?

    I’ve had people say GG and I can’t work out how to respond so I’m being accidentally impolite


    This is more a technical question, but I’ve had this issue for a while.

    So when I host a game with my friends, there is inevitably a glitch which causes multiple players to share the same color, typically it’s an ally and an enemy are both green or red or some other color.

    I’ve verified the game files, I’ve reinstalled the game, and I’ve dug around the settings, all to no avail.

    So my question is, have any of you experienced this, and if you have how have you fixed it?

    Edit: Yes, I already know about Alt+G and team colors, that’s not the problem.


    How do I know which civs I need to focus on early aggression rather than taking the game late?

    Along the same train of thought, how do I know what age a civ is in it’s “peak” form?


    What is reccomended archer build now?

    I used Hera’s 19pop archer that is reccomended for teamgames but I use it in 1v1 (I click up when I’m 20pop since I play Mayans with +1vil but idk if that is correct way to do it)


    I use it in 1v1, it allowed me to climb from 700 to 1000 but now I almost never win in feudal and my eco is bad at the start of castle age with this build order so I need something better for long matches.

    Is this Straight Archers from Hera still good or is there something better?


    To my Inca flair people: is there a standard army comp you go for?

    Is there a time you’d make slingers over regular militia line?

    Due to their higher gold cost, if you already have gold units doesn’t it make more sense to switch into swords?

    I’d like to watch some gameplay to study a bit. 1150 elo.


    Can a monk convert a siege ram to with units inside ?

    If so what happens to the garrisoned units


    ~1100 elo

    I pretty consistently idle my tc for a bit when going 22 pop MAA-archers.

    Idling normally comes when I click up and start to micro the MAA.

    Does this idling pretty much negate the damage I’m doing with the MAA?

    I feel like I have the build down but execution with the army/macro needs improvement.


    best 21 pop m@a archers build in your opinion for a generic civ? (notice, 21 pop means 20 vils).

    I could find 1 generic build on youtube by morley.

    would like to know which one people actually use.

    best 21 or 20 pop straight archers build in your opinion?

    Do you prefer going 22 pop or 21 pop m@a archers?

    im 13xx if it changes anything.

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