May I Inquire About the Interaction Between Artificial Intelligence and Gaia Units in the Scenario Editor?

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    I have been playing Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, and I am trying to create a scenario in the editor.

    My goal is to have Gaia units with higher than normal stats, and whichever player scouts them first will be able to add them to their team.

    Unfortunately, I have found that only Player 1 is able to do this, while the AI players simply walk past the Gaia units without acquiring them.

    After researching online, I have attempted to use the “Change Ownership” trigger, as well as a “loop” with several triggers, but neither of these have had the desired effect.

    I have also tried to use the “Objects in Area” condition, but this too has not worked.

    After spending a considerable amount of time trying to find a solution, I am still unable to get the Gaia units to join other teams when scouted.

    I am looking for advice on how to properly achieve my goal.


    I think the triggers might be broken right now.

    I tried to do some basics tests to get some steps lined out for you, but setting objects for triggers doesn’t seem to be working as it should right now.

    I’ve also heard elsewhere that the attack modification triggers are messing up a lot of campaign missions atm since the latest update, so it’s likely something in the last update just broke triggers for the moment.

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