Locked’s Comprehensive Guide to “The Lord of the Rings”

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    Locked’s extensive guide to Lord of the Rings (LotR)

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    ***READ POST 2 and 3***

    Lord of the Rings is loosely used to refer to a collection of maps (all based on the works of J.




    These maps are:

    Silmarillion (Silm -The First Age, Beleriand, 8p) [You must login to view link]
    The Rings of Power (ROP – The Second Age, Middle Earth and Númenor 6p) [You must login to view link]
    The Last Alliance (LA – The Second Age, Middle Earth 7p) [You must login to view link]
    Lotr12a (Hanni – The Third Age, Middle Earth 8p) [You must login to view link]
    Lord of the Rings (Maps, memorabilia) [You must login to view link]


    These maps (custom scenarios) have fixed armies with a small spawn.

    Each player starts with 400+ units.

    Depending on the race you play, you can expect to have:

    • 40 archers
    • 300 regular infantry
    • 40 regular cavalry
    • 40 throwing axemen (axes)
    • 40 elite infantry
    • 40 elite cavalry
    • 4 monks

    Types of Units

    Each player has an infantry spawn depending on the map and the race they play.

    All races can expect to receive infantry spawns except Easterlings (p4 in Hanni, LA, p5 ROP, Silm) who receive elephants instead.

    These spawns aren’t particularly fast so you should try and conserve your initial force.
    It is important to note that the spawn consists of infantry only and in principle, infantry are expandable.

    Thus by definition, archers are irreplaceable and worth more than infantry.


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      Hitpoints: 600
      Attack: 130

      Regular Infantry

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        Hitpoints: 1000
        Attack: 130

        Regular Cavalry

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          Hitpoints: 1000
          Attack: 130

          Throwing Axemen (Axes)

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            Hitpoints: 1000
            Attack: 130

            Elite Infantry

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              Hitpoints: 3000
              Attack: 400

              Elite Cavalry

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                Hitpoints: 3000
                Attack: 400

                Grouping units

                Organisation is all-important in LotR. Like should be grouped with like.

                Never mix infantry with archers or cavalry with infantry etc.


                Cavalry are unique because of their speed and infantry get in the way of archers.

                Organise units by class, and then by unit type.

                Double left click a unit, this selects units of the same type.

                Now right click somewhere.

                This brings all units of that particular type to one place.
                Elite infantry, elite cavalry and axemen do not need to be grouped by unit type.

                This is because these unit classes are hotkeyed and so do not need to be “double-left click” or “drag” selected.

                Group any infantry with 2000 hitpoints and 300ATP together.

                The same is true for elite cavalry.

                They should be grouped by horse type and unit stats.

                If you have more than 40 archers, you will need more than 1 group.

                Organise your archer packs by range.

                Long range is usually 6.5 and 6.4.

                Regular range is 6.2.

                Cavalry archers usually have 4.2 or 5.2 range and should be grouped separately if you have enough of them or grouped with elite cavalry if you do not.

                If you have a lot of regular infantry or regular cavalry of the same unit type, group these units together.

                If you do not have enough to make a 40 unit group, combine them with another smaller group.

                Note this means you’ll have to “drag select” this group instead of “double left click select”.

                This will slow you down.

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                To distinguish between regular infantry, regular cavalry and elite infantry, elite cavalry, look at the hitpoints and attack stats for each unit.

                How to use your units: Playing as goodies


                Regular infantry and regular cavalry are collectively known as “meat” or just simply “inf”.

                As shown earlier, they are expandable.

                This means they are best used as a “meat shield” in front of your archers.

                Organisation is paramount to playing Lord of the Rings and so it is essential you put both your archers and your “meat” on stand ground.

                Your archers should be behind the “meat” such that any enemy forces cannot get to your archers without getting through the “meat”.

                Due to the amended stats of the units, archers are incredibly effective at killing enemy forces.

                It might sound counter-intuitive that the bulk of your force (infantry) are not participating in the battle but over a decade worth of matches have shown that this is the best strategy.

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                As discussed earlier, archers are your main killing force.

                They excel against axes and meat.

                They can also kill elite infantry and elite cavalry but at a much slower rate.

                Hence archers are rather weak against elite infantry and archers.

                Assuming both players have a solid meat wall, one viable strategy is to directly target the enemy archers.

                This is known as “sniping”.

                If you do attempt to “snipe”, make sure you outrange your opponent.

                If your opponent has 6.2 ranged longbowmen, use your 6.3, 6.4 or 6.5 ranged archers if you have any.

                Finally, due to the stats of these particular units, archers still suck against rams!

                Elite Cavalry

                The strongest units in the game are probably the elite cavalry units.

                They are decisively fast with insane ATP and large HP for tanking.

                They are used to encircle, flank and annihilate any enemy archers.

                If the enemy leaves a gap in their “meat wall”, your elite cavalry can get through before your opponent even has a chance to re-form their line.

                If however you’re at the receiving end of an elite cavalry attack, you can quickly rush your own elite cavalry to engage the opposing counterparts.

                Generally if it’s an emergency, it is always better to sacrifice your elite cavalry to keep your archers alive.

                Please note “evil elite cavalry” is usually superior to “goodies elite cavalry” and in a 1v1 fight, they will dominate your units.

                However, your elite cavalry are the only units you have that can engage enemy cavalry units so if you do engage in an elite cavalry vs elite cavalry fight, make sure your archers are at hand to lend their support in a battle.

                Elite Infantry

                The keener readers amongst you would have noticed that elite infantry have similar stats to elite cavalry.

                That makes them ideal for killing enemy archers, however, they’re usually too slow to be effective.

                In my opinion, elite infantry should be used in reserve always near your archer packs.

                From my own personal experience, elite infantry are just as good as elite cavalry at engaging enemy elite cavalry and if you use them in this capacity, you free up your own elite cavalry so that they can fulfill their own role by rushing undefended enemy archers.

                Throwing Axemen

                Throwing Axemen, better known as “axes” are one of the most underused and underrated units in the game.

                They’re effectively a low-ranged archer unit.

                For reasons unknown, axemen form really small-sized groups which make them hard to kill.

                Hence, they are less susceptible to attacks from regular “meat” and elite cavalry and infantry.

                Due to their stats, they also pack quite a punch and so should be used side-by-side with your archer packs.

                There, they can mow down any “meat” which has made it past the arrow fire and there they can also decimate enemy elite cavalry/infantry charges.

                Finally, axemen are useful for killing rams which are impervious to archer-fire.

                Throwing axemen are best used on standground stance as this makes them form small-sized groups.


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                They simply heal units.

                Do not use them to convert enemy units! (noob tactic).


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                Soak up archer fire and smash down walls.

                How to use your units: Playing as baddies


                Baddies get more units so their job is to attack.

                In conjunction with being used as a “meat wall”, regular infantry also are used to attack any units belonging to goodies. “Meat” is expandable so the job of a baddy is to throw wave after wave of “meat” against enemy meat etc.

                Of course to fulfill this role, units need to be place on aggressive stance.

                Remember to keep some “meat” in reserve as actual “meat walls” to defend against the rare offensive attack from goodies.


                Baddies usually get more archers than goodies.

                However the surplus archers are pretty weak and “expendable” to some extent.

                Generally you put them behind your attacking force so that they can kill the enemy meat wall.

                However, this makes them easily “sniped”.

                This form of attack can be effective as it often forces the enemy to retreat due to the loss of their meat wall.

                Another use for these “trash archers” is to literally run them near enemy archers and suicide them.

                The aim is to take some enemy archers down with your worthless archers taking 1:4 losses or worse.

                In the long run, this can severely affect the ability of the goodies to launch an attack but in the short term, “trash archers” might be better used in the first role discussed earlier.

                Finally, “trash archers” can be used in a third role.

                They can be placed near your good long ranged archers.

                When you are being attacked by elite cavalry, there might not be enough time to retreat your all-important long ranged archers but there might be enough time to shuffle your formation so that the “trash archers” are in the line of fire and are sacrificed instead of your long ranged archers.

                Although you are still losing archers, you are in effect, “exchanging” them for enemy elite cavalry units.

                Depending on the situation, this might be a fair price to pay.

                Trash Archers

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                Elite Cavalry and Axemen

                Baddies elite cavalry are used in pretty much the same way as goodies elite cavalry.
                Baddies throwing axemen serve exactly the same roles as their counterparts.

                Elite Infantry

                The one big difference between elite infantry on the evil side when compared to their good counterparts is that they’re used in a more offensive capacity.

                As baddies get more elite infantry, players can afford to throw them at meat walls after a couple of initial waves of “attacking meat” in the hope that they can make a breakthrough in the meat wall.


                Simply heal units.

                I repeat, do not use them to convert.


                Soak up archer fire

                Miscellaneous Units

                War wagons


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                  Hitpoints: 5000
                  ATP: 500

                  They represent either dragons or wain riders.

                  If they are dragons, they are effective against anything and excel at pushing back enemy forces.

                  They have massive amounts of HP for tanking archer fire and have a great deal of ATP for decimating anything in their path.

                  Their effectiveness depends on the context however.

                  In some situations, they’re great anti-elite-cavalry units whilst in others, they get ravaged by elite-cavalry.


                    Hitpoints: 2000
                    ATP: 200

                    To some extent, they’re weaker dragons but from experience, they do not do half as good a job as regular dragons.

                    In my opinion, they should be used in conjunction with long-ranged archers.

                    When you plan to “snipe” with your long-ranged archers, use wain-riders to shield your archers as they take up a lot of space.

                    They’re also good from a “sacrificial” perspective as they can block enemy cavalry rushes.


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                    Usually these units belong to evil.

                    Some have 400ATP and should be used to attack enemy “meat walls” as they cause absolute carnage.

                    The elephants with 100ATP should be used like wain riders.

                    They should be used to block the space around your long ranged archers when they are “sniping” and being “sniped” by enemy archers.

                    Any time elephants are used, your opponent is forced to give ground because they’re just so hard to bring down.

                      Hitpoints: 7000
                      ATP: 100/400


                      In certain maps, evil players get saboteurs.

                      I personally think they should be removed.

                      Nonetheless, they are exclusively used to atomise enemy archers.

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                      Furious the Monkey Boy

                      Shelob, Gollum, spiders and Ungolliant’s spawn are represented by Furious the Monkey Boy.

                      Due to their stats, they can usually take out a few archers before dying.

                      They are also hard to spot and great for sneaking up on important units.

                      For example, Isengard could use his Gollum or Mordor could use his Shelob to sneak up on Frodo and assassinate him and in so doing, end the game.

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                      Wargs and warg riders are represented by wolves.

                      They are not automatically attacked by military units and are great at sneaking up on enemy units.

                      They particularly excel against archers if they manage to get right in the middle of an archer pack.

                      Hero units:

                      Hero cavalry and hero infantry are exceedingly strong.

                      Don’t hesitate to use them with elite cavalry and infantry.

                      Their extra ATP and HP make a significant difference.

                      Make sure that they’re not needed for game objectives before you use them.

                      Hero archers and axemen (martel/harald heroes) are very popular units.

                      They murder elite cavalry and infantry alike.

                      In fact, they murder everything (rams included!) They’re excellent at “sniping” enemy long-ranged archers.

                      If you do this however, make sure you don’t hit and run.

                      Always use an infantry “meat wall”.

                      If you do use them, I advise you do not heal them as this is an incredibly dirty tactic.

                      I also discourage “running” as this leads to “hit and run”.

                      If you don’t want to lose them, don’t use them at all.

                      Like before, make sure they’re not needed for game objectives before you use them.

                      Where to defend?

                        Near castles

                        You can use castles to snipe enemy archers.

                        Castles prove to be good bulwarks against enemy forces.

                        Also, the arrow fire from castles pose a huge psychological threat.

                        Walls, trees & cliffs

                        Walls/trees/cliffs represent meat walls.

                        The advantage being you don’t need to use your own infantry to stop enemy forces.

                        BEWARE: as you aren’t using your own meat, enemy archers will automatically attack undefended archers so it is wise to use a little meat of your own anyway.

                        Choke points

                        Choke points are narrow meaning you need fewer units in your meat wall.

                        BEWARE of dead ends!


                        Bridges are narrow and so serve two purposes.

                        They prevent enemy forces making progress and they minimize the need for an infantry-intensive meat wall.

                        BEWARE of transport landings.

                        Always have a plan

                        Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
                        Sun Tzu
                        The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.

                        The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.
                        Sun Tzu

                        The skilled LotR Players always have a game plan.

                        They are aware of what their allies are doing and what their enemies are doing.

                        They have a plan in mind and actively seek to hinder their opponent’s future strategies (prophylaxis).

                        When they attack, they have counter measures if things go awry.

                        This includes having multiple escape routes planned.

                        These escape routes are always cleared and not clogged up to allow for “strategic” withdrawals as opposed to hasty, “panic retreats”.

                        Team work

                        LotR is a team game.

                        Always be in contact with your allies.

                        Notify them if they’re about to be “cav rushed” or if they’re being attacked in a second place.

                        As long as you can manage it, always try and support your allies by lending them “meat”.

                        Keep one eye fixed on where their elite infantry and elite cavalry units are.

                        If they’re about to “cav rush” their opponent, they might need your “elite cavalry” to help.

                        Dirty Tactics

                        Hit and Run

                        When you are using archers, always use a “meat wall” so you’re “exchanging” something of yours for something of theirs.

                        If it’s a hero, don’t heal it,

                        There is a time and place for HnR.

                        That time is never , that place is nowhere
                        – A Wise man, the wisest I have played with on AoC


                        Walling choke points is pathetic.

                        Don’t do it.

                        Walling when an opponent is about to make a break through Is pathetic.

                        Don’t do it.

                        There is no need to build walls.

                        The pre-made walls are enough to see you through the rest of the game.


                        Do not use your monks to convert


                        If you’re evil, your job is to attack.

                        Do not attack.

                        This also holds true for goodies but to a lesser extent as they have fewer units.

                        Do not Block

                        Do not block or clog up important paths.

                        It prevents your allies from receiving support and usually results in disasters.

                        Killing afk or soon to be “given” units

                        When a player resigns because he has to go, it is possible to transfer his units to his teammates.

                        However, this can only be done when his own population is low so that the game does not crash.

                        In some cases, the units aren’t transferred immediately.

                        If this is the case, you are not allowed to attack those units until they are given.

                        It is essential you give the player who received those units, enough time to group the units.

                        Bonus Units

                        In certain maps, it is possible for players to receive extra units for completing certain objectives.

                        Until the objectives are completed, the units might be gaia or belong to a certain player.

                        Killing gaia units is strictly forbidden.

                        Furthermore, if you control the “bonus units” and are about to lose them to the enemy because he completes his objective first, you must not delete the units out of spite.

                        Gameplay for more advanced players


                        It is again, good practice, to use your monks whenever you can to heal your archers, elite cavalry, elite infantry and finally your “meat”.

                        Meat walls

                        The less infantry you use in your meat wall, the more likely you’ll outlast your opponents.

                        Previously, I suggested you should have a complete meat wall.

                        This is in fact unnecessary.

                        Provided you have elite cavalry, elite infantry and axemen nearby, you do not need a lot of “meat” to shield your archers.

                        It is acceptable to have some holes in your wall as any units that get through will be smited down by your elite units.

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                        In many cases, you can put your meat in “staggered formation” as this makes they occupy more space meaning less units are needed to satisfy the “meat shield” role.
                        The “staggered” formation is also useful for luring and trapping you enemy.

                        If you keep holes between in your meat wall, you can clock on “staggered formation” just as your enemy attempts to rush through the holes.

                        This has the effect of closing the holes negating any attack your enemy had hoped to make.

                        Using regular cavalry

                        Earlier in this guide, I suggested grouping regular cavalry with regular infantry.

                        It is practice to keep regular cavalry in reserve.

                        They can be brought in quickly to protect your archers from being rushed and they can also rush enemy archers in the same way elite cavalry rush enemy archers.

                        Of course, they will be no where near as effective but they will tank some of the archer fire before your elite cavalry arrive at the scene.

                        Fighting in multiple places simultaneously

                        If you have good micromanagement, it is always good to attack/counter attack in multiple locations in the hope of catching your opponent unawares.

                        Opportunities multiply as they are seized.
                        Sun Tzu

                        The better players see an opportunity and go for it.

                        Sometimes a small, but rapid attack can catch your enemy by surprise.

                        This is due to the fact you are heavily outnumbered and your enemy doesn’t expect an attack.

                        A quick push for Mt.

                        Doom or for the Silmarillions has proved to be surprisingly successful in the past. (opposite of camp)

                        Using castles and towers and trebuchets to snipe enemy archers

                        It is good practice to manually target enemy archers with castles, tower and trebuchets when the situation arises.

                        It takes a fraction of a second to do and helps improve your microing ability.

                        Cutting forests

                        If you have a lot of cavalry, regular or elite, it is beneficial for you to have open ground.

                        If there is a forest obscuring half the map, cut some of it down.


                        You don’t need to out range your opponent to snipe him.
                        In my opinion, it is better to give up ground than it is to give up infantry.

                        When to patrol

                        In my opinion, patrolling is the lazy man’s way to attack.

                        I have rarely seen it being used effectively.

                        Indeed, the best players I’ve played with it do no patrol at all or patrol in moderation.

                        Patrolling should be used when you outrange enemy archers and wish to “snipe” them.

                        This only works if they’re badly guarded and very vulnerable.

                        Patrolling can be used when you’re sending “waves of trash” to attack enemy “meat walls.” Patrolling the infantry is somewhat better than sending them on aggressive mode.

                        Patrolling “trash archers” also maximises their ability to kill enemy meat walls and minimises the risk of being “sniped” by enemy archers.

                        When you’re charging with all your units, you can patrol everything in so long as you are in control of what you are doing.

                        Generally, the players who patrol at the first opportunity have the least skill and lose control of the individual components in their army.

                        This is probably due to laziness and their reluctance to organise their units.

                        When you do charge everything in, do not patrol your archers in as they will only attack 1 or a handful of units at a time as they reach their LOS (line of sight).

                        It is better to use them “normally” as they attack more units at any given time.

                        Despite this, there is one exception to this.

                        When you have successfully surrounded and “caved” enemy archers, you want to send your archers in to kill everything quicker and retain more of your elite units.

                        However, by doing this, your own archers are susceptible to being “sniped” by the soon-to-be-dead opposing archers in a last-ditch spiteful attack.

                        In this scenario, it is better to patrol your archers in as it minimises their exposure to “sniping”.

                        How not to patrol!


                        Game Settings


                          All Visible (Explored very very rarely)
                          Lock Teams
                          Lock Speed
                          Standard Resources
                          Standard Victory
                          Standard Difficulty
                          Record Game (Optional – send them to me if you do record them and I’ll add them to the guide)


                          Bring Frodo/Sam/Bilbo to Mt.

                          Kill Frodo/Sam/Bilbo
                          Militarily beat the opposing side

                          Gondor, the race of Edain of Elenna·nórë

                          Gondor is one of two important races (along sides Elves).

                          They have around:

                          Army Composition
                          • 40 6.2 archers
                          • 40 6.5 and 6.4 archers.
                          • 40 axemen
                          • 30 Dúnedain Elite Cavalry
                          • 40 Dol Amroth Elite Cavalry and Gondor Hero Cavalry
                          • 60 Elite Infantry and Hero Infantry
                          • 300 regular infantry
                          • 60 regular cavalry
                          • 1 unit infantry Spawn
                          • Monks

                          • Gondor’s main opponent is green (Easterlings).

                          Both sides have the opportunity to gain bonus units (AoD =Army of Death).

                          First bring Aragorn to Rivendell and Elrond.

                          Then bring this upgraded Aragorn to Dunharrow to gain the Army of the Dead.

                        • Bring Aragorn and Boromir to Rivendell to receive an upgrade.
                        • Bring Aragorn to Elrond to receive an upgrade
                        • Bring Aragorn to Lossarnach to gain 2 transport ships.
                        • Bring Faramir to Minas Tirith to convert him from a ranged unit to a hero cavalry unit (NOT ADVISED)
                        • Kill Lurtz for Boromir to get an upgrade
                        • Kill Sauron for Aragorn to get an upgrade
                        • Gameplay

                          P1 – Yellow – Teutons – Team 1
                          Gondor has a huge amount of units that need organising.

                          From the very first second, you can expected to be rushed by green from a number of locations.

                          Playing as Gondor can hence be a very daunting task.

                          The first thing you should do is group your archers.

                          Your 6.5 archers are far away from your 6.4 archers and to make things worse, they’re in the middle of your 6.2 pack so you cannot “double-click select”.

                          Instead you have to drag-select the 6.5 archer manually and take them over to Morthund where the rest of your long ranged archers (CTRL + 1).

                          When they’re safely out of the way, you can double-click the 6.2 archers and group them (CTRL + 2) Your next job is to organise the units at Osgilliath and defend against green’s rush.

                          Every free moment you get in between green’s attack should be spent organising the rest of Gondor.

                          Priority should be given to elite infantry and elite cavalry.

                          You must also risk a couple of seconds sending Aragorn to Rivendell (Note: The Barrow Wrights need to be killed before Aragorn makes the journey) and then onto Dunharrow to get the AoD.

                          P1 can also take Frodo and disguise him with champions.

                          Mt Doom isn’t too far from Gondor so sometimes you can achieve a sneaky victory by using the Frodo pass.

                          Read teal instructions for more information.

                          Finally, up North, player 1 is given the Dunedain to accompany Aragorn.

                          This cav group boasts some really strong units.

                          If the “North” (p2,p3,p6) are being hammered, be ready to come to their aid with this small but deadly group.

                          The race of Hobbits & Lesser Men

                          P2 – Cyan – Franks (Part of the North trio, with p3-Blue and p6-Purple) – Team 1

                          Army Composition
                          • 300 Regular Infantry
                          • 60 Regular Cavalry
                          • 30 Elite Cavalry
                          • 20 Ents
                          • 40 Elite/Hero Infantry
                          • 40 Regular/Elite Archers
                          • Monks
                          • 1 unit infantry Spawn

                          • Bring Frodo to Bilbo to get an upgrade (Note: The Barrow Wrights need to be killed before Aragorn makes the journey) and then onto Dunharrow to get the AoD.)
                          • Bring Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry to Lorien to get an upgrade.
                          • Bring Merry to Edoras for an upgrade
                          • Kill the Witchking of Angmar for Merry to get an upgrade
                          • Bring Pippin to Steward Denethor for upgrade
                          • Kill Smaug for Bard to get an upgrade
                          • Kill Gollum for Frodo to get an upgrade
                          • Kill the King of the Easterlings to upgrade King Brand
                          • Bring Frodo to the Frodo-pass to open it and sneak into Mount Doom
                          • Bring Bilbo to Rhûn for Purple to get another spawn in Erebor.
                          • Send Ghan-Buri-Ghan to Théoden to open the Druadan forest path


                          Hobbits have a very small amount of units.

                          This is the easiest race to play.

                          Your only real job is to keep Frodo, Sam and Bilbo alive.

                          Despite the weak units, Hobbits have some strong and versatile units which many people underestimate.

                          The Hobbits get a range of archer heroes which might not be long ranged but deal a lot of damage.

                          Finally Hobbits get control of the Ents and Hourns.

                          Ents are probably the strongest collection of units in the game and trample anything that happens to be nearby.

                          Use them wisely.

                          Throughout the game, your job is to help Blue (Elves).

                          Lend him your meat.

                          Use your Lake-Town infantry to Dol-Guldor.

                          This is crucial.

                          Then help Blue either at South Moria or at Lorien.

                          Group your units at Bree.

                          Remember to put them on stand ground.

                          This prevents them being killed by Barrow Wrights/Troll Shaws.

                          It also allows Purple to get vital support to Blue.
                          Keep an eye fixed on Radagast the Brown and the Beornings.

                          Occasionally Mordor might attempt to kill your units from Dol Guldor or Moria.

                          It’s a good idea to separate the 3 hobbits in case they get trapped or killed in one go.

                          The Race of Silvan/Sindarin & Noldor Elves in the Third Age

                          P3 – Blue – Britons – Elves – Team 1

                            Army Composition
                            • 80 6.4 archers and archer heroes.
                            • 40 elite/hero cavalry
                            • 20 elite infantry
                            • 150 regular infantry
                            • 10 regular cavalry
                            • 7 war ships
                            • 1 transport ship
                            • Monks
                            • 1 unit infantry Spawn

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                            • Bring Legolas to Lorien for an upgrade.
                            • Kill the Balrog of Morgoth for Gandalf to get an upgrade
                            • Allow Aragorn to meet Lord Elrond



                            The other important race for goodies.

                            You have two packs of long ranged archers and a number of archer heroes making this race one of the most fun to play.

                            Despite this, if you lose your archers, you’re also likely to lose the game.

                            Blue cannot survive without the aid of Cyan and Purple and together, this trio is collectively known as the “North”.

                            Your armies are separated by an occupied Moria.

                            There are a variety of strategies you can use to unite your armies.

                            Both Northern and Southern armies can work on Moria simultaneously for example or alternatively, the Northern army cannot work on Moria by itself whilst the Southern army hopes to hold Lorien for as long as possible.

                            The second strategy is not recommended unless you’re highly skilled.

                            Some Red players rush Rivendell with the units in Moria. 2 of the 3 important hobbits are in Rivendell so it is important you do not lose Rivendell.

                            Furthermore, the Rivendell castle is important for Aragorn.

                            Without it, Yellow (Gondor) cannot get the AoD.

                            Also for Aragorn to get AoD, Lord Elrond needs to stay alive.

                            As mentioned earlier, Frodo cannot meet Bilbo and Aragorn cannot meet Elrod at Rivendell while the Barrow Wrights are still alive.

                            It’s is Blue’s job to clear the Barrow Wright path with his Rivendell archers as soon as he can.

                            Occasionally, Aragorn or one of the hobbits need to be transported so it is important you’re ready to use your transport ship as soon as you can.

                            While doing this, you can send your warships to Gondor who has no warships of his own.

                            If you don’t send your fleet, Gondor will be harassed relentlessly by Green’s fleet.

                            Once you have united your armies, it is important to go to Rohan who usually gets dominated by Isengard and Mordor.

                            As Blue, your job is to be proactive and fight the enemy head on.

                            The Race of Lesser Men of the East

                            P4 – Green – Persians – Easterlings – Team 2

                            Army Composition
                            • 20 6.4 archers
                            • 20 6.2 archers
                            • 25 5.2 archers
                            • 25 cavalry archers
                            • 25 other ranged units (including axes and archer heroes)
                            • 40 elite/hero cavalry
                            • 100 elite infantry
                            • 350 regular infantry
                            • 350 regular cavalry
                            • 150 elephants
                            • 7 war ships and transport navy
                            • Rams
                            • Monks
                            • 1 unit Elephant Spawn
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                            • Bring the Mouth of Sauron to Lossarnach to aquire the AoD
                            • Kill Dain Ironfoot and King Brand for the Kings of Rhûn and Harad to get a bonus
                            • Bring Alatar and Pallando to Saruman for them to get a bonus [/color]


                            It can be hard to attack Osgilliath head on so it is useful to use the many coastal entrances to land armies and harass Gondor.

                            It is also difficult to reach Lossarnach as it is deep within Gondor.

                            It is sometimes better to help Isengard with Rohan so that you can occupy Dunharrow and prevent Aragorn from getting the AoD.

                            Alternatively, you can go “North” with Mordor and help him overcome the “North” through sheer weight of numbers.

                            If you do go to Rohan or go North, Gondor can sneak Frodo in to Mordor so you should always keep your eye out for this.

                            This is your responsibility.

                            Also as you’re not engaging Gondor head on, yellow has enough units to attack Mordor.

                            Your job is to prevent him from doing so.

                            Isengard, Gundabad Orcs, Barrow Wights, Trollshaws & the Race of Dunlendings

                            P5 – Grey – Goths – Isengard – Team 2

                            Army Composition
                            • 20 6.5 archers
                            • 20 6.3 archers
                            • 40 5.3 & other archers/axes/archer heroes included
                            • 80 elite infantry
                            • 15 elite cavalry
                            • 15 saboteurs
                            • 40 regular cavalry
                            • 400 regular infantry
                            • Rams
                            • Gollum
                            • Monks
                            • 4 unit infantry spawn

                            • Kill Gandalf for Saruman to get a bonus
                            • Kill Boromir for Lurtz to get an upgrade
                            • Kill Frodo for Gollum to get an upgrade
                            • Allow Alatar and Pallando to meet Saruman


                            Isengard can be a fairly simple race to play.

                            Your 6.5 archers outrange Rohan who can only boast 6.2 archers.

                            This means you can ‘snipe’ with minimal effort (normally “sniping” is atechnqiue exclusively used by the better players).

                            Your job is to crush Rohan.

                            In a straight 1v1 fight, Isengard usually comes out on top but occasionally, Gondor can bring his 6.5 archers to bear which really turn the tide of battle.

                            Also you should be mindful that Aragorn needs to get to Dunharrow to receive the AoD.

                            It is in your interests to secure Dunharrow before Aragorn gets there.

                            This means you have to take out Helm’s Deep as soon as you can.

                            A quick rush here can help you.

                            The Barrow Wrights also belong to you.

                            They temporarily prevent Frodo meeting Bilbo and Aragorn arriving at Rivendell.

                            Occasionally, you could group them with the Trolls and Dunland Cavalry and attack Bree.

                            An unsuspecting p2 could lose a third of his army in seconds.

                            Isengard also gets control of the “Gundabad” units.

                            Mordor, your ally might need your support when he’s rushing “North” so be mindful of this.

                            Gundabad gets some really nice units which can destroy the southern cyan, blue, purple armies if you used at the right place and at the right time.

                            The Race of Dwarves

                            P6 – Purple – Vikings – Dwarves – Team 1 (North)

                            Army Composition
                            • 40 Nothern Axemen
                            • 40 Southern Axemen
                            • 400 regular infantry
                            • 50 Elite Infantry (more commonly known as Dwarf Lords)
                            • 20 Elite Axemen (Harald Unit)
                            • 100 High hitpoint regular infantry
                            • Rams
                            • Monks
                            • 1 unit (potentially 2) infantry spawn

                            • Kill the Kings of Rhûn and Harad to upgrade Dain Ironfoot
                            • Bring Gimli to Lorien for an upgrade
                            • Bring Thorin Oakenshield to Rhûn to get another spawn in Erebor


                            As you have probably noticed, you do not receive any archers but you do receive a lot of axemen and a lot of regular infantry (meat).

                            It is natural and important therefore that you support blue as much as you can.

                            Your unit types compliment each other and without cooperation, the “North” will fall quickly.

                            You must not hesitate to sacrifice your men to save blue’s archers.

                            If Blue decides to hold Lorien, it is your job to bring your Southern armies to Lorien as quickly as possible.

                            If Blue decides to attack Moria from the South and abandon Lorien, it is your job to send your armies to South Moria as quick as possible.

                            Meanwhile in the North, it is important you send your infantry to Rivendell as quickly as possible.

                            Sauron, Mordor & other foul creatures

                            P7 – Red – Celts – Mordor – Team 2

                            Army Composition
                            • 1000 regular infantry and regular cavalry
                            • 150 elite infantry
                            • 40 elite cavalry
                            • 100 elephants
                            • 20 cavalry archers and 20 medium-strong cavalry
                            • 40 6.5 archers
                            • 20 6.3 archers
                            • 80 6.2 archers
                            • 20 dragons
                            • 160 Trash archers
                            • Rams
                            • Monks
                            • 4 unit infantry spawn

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                            • Kill Bard for Smaug to get a bonus
                            • Kill Aragorn for Sauron to receive an upgrade
                            • Kill Galadriel for Sauron to get an upgrade
                            • Kill Lord Elrond for the Nazgûl to get an upgrade
                            • Kill Eowyn and Merry for The Witchking of Angmar to get an upgrade
                            • Bring the Witchking of Angmar to the walls of Minas Tirith to receive Mordor Trebuchets (This is a dirty tactic)


                            Mordor is probably the most difficult race to play as you potentially face 60% of all the goodies whenever you go North.

                            You also have a ridiculous amount of units to manage.

                            To compensate for this, you get a lot of really strong units.

                            You can also employ a whole host of startegies which include rushing South Moria or the “North” and effectively winning the game in 20 minutes or so.

                            You can also help green with Gondor and win him the AoD.

                            Alternatively, you can attack Rohan and pretty much g*ngb*ng him with Isengard.

                            Generally, if you’re playing Mordor, you already know the “ins-and-outs” of LotR so I will not write any more however if you do want specific guides, do not hesitate to ask.

                            The Race of men of Rohan

                            P8 – Orange – Huns – Rohan – Team 1

                            Army Composition
                            • 400 regular cavalry and regular cavalry
                            • 150 regular infantry
                            • 40 elite cavalry
                            • 50 cavalry archers and 50 medium-strong cavalry
                            • 40 6.2 archers
                            • Monks
                            • 1 unit cavalry spawn


                            Bring Théoden to Ghan-Buri-Ghan to open the Druadan forest pass
                            Kill the Witchking of Angmar for Eowyn to get an upgrade


                            Rohan is a tough race to play as you are out-ranged by Isengard.

                            To make matters worse, a rampaging Mordor usually attacks you and this double-tag-team combination is virtually impossible to resist.

                            Your main goal is to defeat Isengard and your other goal is to hold Dunharrow long enough for Aragorn to arrive and obtain the AoD.

                            At the start of the game, you have men in Dale.

                            If you don’t bring them to Rohan quickly, they will be caught in the cross fire as a rampant Mordor charges South Moria.

                            Gondor: tunic – gg the dwarve takeover
                            Hobbits:, tunic – dwarf lord
                            Elves: tunic – king of the church
                            Easterlings: tunic – tunic the mighty lord of all
                            Isengard: tunic – the chosen one who plays all
                            Dwarves: tunic – the church of tunic willcontrol all
                            Mordor: tunic kill noobs
                            Rohan: tunic kill all player



                            • Kill Morgoth
                            • Destroy all evil castles
                            • Destroy all goodies castles
                            • Kill Beren, Luthien and Eärendil
                            • Militarily beat the opposing side

                              P3-Sindar Elves-Britons-Green-T1

                              The Ñoldorin Elves of the house of King Fingolfin

                              P3 – Blue – Britons – Byzantines– Team 1

                                Army Composition

                                40 6.4 archers
                                40 6.2 archers
                                120 elite infantry
                                120 elite cavalry
                                200 regular infantry
                                100 regular cavaley
                                1 transport ship, the Vingilot
                                4 Monks
                                1 unit infantry Spawn

                              • Bring Thorondor to Hithlum, Nargothrond, Menegroth, Himring & Belegost to receive an upgrade for every Eagle.
                              • Bring Gil-Galad to Cirdan for an upgrade
                              • Bring Maeglin to Gondolin to receive upgraded infantry
                              • Bring Voronwë to Gondolin for an upgrade
                              • Bring Idril to Tuor for an upgrade
                              • Bring Idril to the pass to open it/close it
                              • Bring Aredhel Ar-Feiniel to Gondolin for an upgrade
                              • Bring Fingon to Fëanor for an upgrade
                              • Bring Thorondor to Morgoth to damage him
                              • Bring Fingolfin to Morgoth to damage him
                              • Bring Fingolfin to Thangorodrim to receive bonus units
                              • Bring Eärendil to Cirdan to release the Vingilot
                              • Kill Ancalagon to upgrade Eärendil
                              • Slay Gothmog to upgrade Ecthellion
                              • Take Eärendil and a Silmarillion to Valinor via the Vingilot to release the Valar.


                              Your main adversary is Morgoth (Red, p7).

                              With the help of teal, you hold the western side of the map.

                              However, you will be facing the main brunt of the attack and so if you fall, the entire West falls.

                              You should start off by saving Maeglin in the East.

                              If you lose Maeglin, Red is able to use him to open a route to Gondolin and get his bonus units quickly.

                              Next, you should organise Etheil Sirion and Hithlum quickly.You’ll face a long and hard battle against Red and so must fight for each inch of ground.

                              Alternative strategies include sending your 6.2 pack to aid teal, your adjoining ally.

                              Your bonus units are located mere minutes away from Etheil Sirion and a quick rush at the start against a careless Red could be beneficial.

                              Recorded Game Packs (below)

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                              Q1: Why is it so long?

                              Vaultboy wrote:
                              Its long bcos its a complicated game, unlike CBA.

                              Q2: Why does each race have a specific civilization?

                              I want to pick “Turks” ;tears
                              The maps have already incorporated the various unique technologies and nuances of the different civilizations AoC has to offer.

                              The civilizations are picked with care, i.e.

                              Britons for long-ranged archers, Teutons for long-ranged castles etc.


                              The game dynamics are already balanced and so the race civilizations are in essence, written in stone.

                              Q3: Can you write specific minute-by-minute guides on how to play a certain race?
                              I have kept my commentary on each race brief for a reason.

                              Each player and team have their own style of playing.

                              By writing in-depth strategies of each race, your playing style will become mechanical.

                              and reactionary.

                              LotR is about creativity and innovation and this is at odds with written guides.

                              Q4: How useful are the minitasks?
                              In Hanni & Silm, you will have noticed there are a multitude of tasks which I like to call “binary tasks.” They involve killing a certain hero for one your own heroes to receive an upgrade.

                              It is impossible to bring about these upgrades on your own.

                              Your enemy will usually keep these heroes safe and away from battle to prevent such a binary task from being completed.

                              Nonetheless, occasionally an enemy might use its heroes.

                              Often in Hanni, player 2 can expect an upgrade for Bard as player 7 chooses to use Smaug.

                              Q5: What are map “Givers”?
                              If a player leaves prematurely, his units can be “given” (transferred) to his allies.

                              This is done by deleting fishtraps.

                              For ease of use, these fishtraps are named.

                              The host has this privilege but he can transfer some of his rights to an evil player so the fishtraps which belong to the evil players can be given to one of the evil players to delete as he sees fit.

                              If the host leaves the game prematurely, the fishtraps change ownership to the next player on the “Good” team.

                              The order usually is: p1, p2, p3, p6, p8.

                              The game will crash when thousands of troops are being “given”.

                              To prevent this, delete the spawn of the “afk” units to minimise he number of transferred units.

                              It is also better to give units when your own population is little to prevent crashing.

                              In this case, delay “giving” the afk units until the receiving player has a suitably low amount of units to control.


                              I would like to thank all the players who I have played with.

                              Their strategies and tips make up a lot of this guide.

                              Additionally, I would like to thank [Orcrist]GeneralGimli and RiyT who have sent me much needed material like old recorded games.

                              Finally, I would like to thanks Vaultboy a.k.a.

                              Bahamut. (Others might know him as “The_Mapnificent_One_, 2Gangsta4Radio, Bonethugs’n’Harmaony, Scatha, Ackrite etc.

                              etc) Had it not been for our numerous conversations, this guide would never have been written.

                              Thanks for putting up with me ;)

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                              Commemorating players, past and present.

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