List of Top Civilizations by Age

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  • #7444

    I am curious to know if there is a ranking of civilizations based on their strength in each era, such as the Feudal era, Castle era, Imperial era and Post-Imperial era.


    Got you covered bro

    Civ-Strength through the Ages – Part 1: Approach
    byu/Umdeuter inaoe2

    Bit old though


    Sure 🙂

    Best civ in Dark Age: Poles

    Best civ in Feudal Age: Poles

    Best civ in Castle Age: Poles

    Best civ in Imperial Age: Poles


    I think Feudal, Castle and Imp have at least two stages.

    Mongols and Franks are better in early Feudal, Huns in later Feudal

    Early Castle it’s the xbow timings, FC UU, Magyars free Iron Casting etc

    Imp has the early imp power spikes and the post-imp powerhouses etc


    It varies a lot.

    Also depends on Elo.

    Dark age: Goths, few other civs.

    Chinese if Elo is decent

    Feudal Age: French, Magyars, Cumans, few other civs

    Castle: Clown fiesta, Hoang

    Imp: Boom Goths, Boom Khmer, El Dorado Mayans, so glad Sicilians got nerfed, early on Turks, Teutons, late game Byzantines for trash wars + logistica cataphracts if relevant (Results in Goth Goths), Mangudai


    Assuming you can’t advance beyond said age:

    Dark age: Burgundians (eco upgrades); Goths (infantry); Poles (healing villagers + farming)

    Feudal age: Burgundians (eco upgrades); Cumans (2nd TC; rams; fast cav); Sicilians (less bonus damage; Donjon + UU); Celts (infantry faster than archers)

    Castle Age: [See this thread](

    Imperial age:


    Depends on the map.


    23pop flush(mongs 21) strongest feudal.

    u want to float 1x spears and 2x skirms to choke games or stablize vs mirrors in the midmap.

    knights in 16fc’ers castle.

    ca 14s.

    eco boomers if u got the macro skills imp.

    tvm will scale early leads tho


    This would be a pretty difficult list to make, given that many civs have power levels that go up-and-down every age.

    For example, Magyars have a very strong Feudal age in very aggressive contexts and that comes into play every game they’re in; but they’re also universally regarded as one of the most powerful postimp civs if the game reaches that point.

    Most civs aren’t one-dimensional enough to just say “good in castle,” so you’d need to make a different list for each age to get an accurate scope.

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