Late Game Strategy for Persian Civilization

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    The civilization in question has inferior troops such as weak archers and castles, as well as skirmishers due to the lack of bracer technology.

    Additionally, their knights’ +2 bonus against archers is not effective, and they lack siege engineers.

    Although their war elephants are strong, they are difficult to obtain.

    They may need to capture the castle early in the game to advance, but there are other civilizations that are better in this aspect.

    They are better in team games and hybrid maps but lack depth and versatility.

    To improve their performance, they could be given bracer technology, goldless or cheaper arbalests without bracer, or siege engineers to enhance their bombard cannons’ viability.

    A passive bonus to improve their archers or strengths in other areas would also help.


    Persians hit their power spike in castle age because they can take out archer civs with their knights, or counter cav civs with camel while also being able to pull this off with 1-2 TCs with a decent boom.

    Their late game isn’t great but they still have some options, but I think their gameplay is definitely early/all in castle


    Power creep got them.


    I like them in the pocket in Black Forest, and they’re a good hybrid map pocket as well.


    Nah Persian late game is fine.

    They don’t have a particularly great unit here but they have a broad tech tree.

    Especially in trash wars persians become one of the best civs.

    What they lack is a good unit in midgame or early imp imo as the only thing you can do is knights or camels.


    persians are well rounded with good early game, fast boom, FU paladin with bonus v archers, durable tc and dock, trash archer line, gunpowder and the best ultra- late game unit

    of all things buffable , i dont think persians are one


    I like them in arena team games.

    I go fast castle to research trashbows and then just spam those into an enemy until 200 pop and use all my gold to research big boy eles and then out of nowhere send forward 40 elephants


    Trash-Bow + Paladin = easy gg

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