“Issues with Age of Empires II Definitive Edition on a 4K UltraWide 48:9 Monitor”

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  • #10184

    At the moment, I’m running a 11520 x 2160 resolution on three 4K monitors and everything looks perfect until I start a match.

    Then, the game zooms in with some transparent layers that I can only describe as “ghost layers”.

    To make the game display normally, I have to go into my display settings and change the resolution each time before I start a match, which is quite annoying.

    I’ve been trying to figure out if there’s a way to do this with Steam Launch Options, but I haven’t been able to find a solution yet.


    Gawd, would love to see a real life photo of what that looks like.

    Playing AOE2 DE at 4K, zoomed out to max was like crazy looking.

    I can’t imagine what you are doing.


    Would it be possible to have a screenshot/picture of this issue?

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