Is There a Website Containing a One-Page Summary of Key Information About Each Civilization?

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  • #15796

    I am looking to create a single page document for each civilization in Age of Empires II that outlines the main bonuses, team bonuses, unique units, and tech tree.

    I have consulted the fandom page, but it is not as concise as I would like.

    I am considering creating the documents myself, but I am wondering if this has already been done.

    I recently found out about the AOE II Database Android app, which is quite helpful because it provides summaries of civilizations, allows for comparison of units, and offers other statistical information.


    [here ya go ](

    This is about as close to a 1 pager unless you make your own


    If german is okay for you, or you dont mind translating – i like the cheatsheets and civ overviews from
    (Behind a paywal)


    Make a .txt document.

    Copy over the bonuses, and for the tech tree, use a series of “X”s and “O”s in the shape of the tech tree to indicate which techs the civ has.



    Economic upgrades cost -40% food and are available one Age earlier than other civilizations.

    Stable technologies are 50% cheaper.

    Gunpowder units gain a +25% bonus to their attack.

    Cavalier upgrade available in the Castle Age.

    Team bonus: Relics generate both gold and food at the same rate.

    Unique units

    Coustillier (a cavalry unit that can charge its attacks)

    Flemish Militia (heavy infantry unit with a bonus vs cavalry; can only be obtained via the Flemish Revolution technology)

    Unique technologies

    Burgundian Vineyards (farmers slowly produce gold)

    Flemish Revolution (transforms player’s Villagers into Flemish Militia; Flemish Militia becomes trainable at the Town Center)

    Archery Range: OOX-OOO-/OX-/XX-/XX

    Barracks: OOOOO-OOO-XXX-XO-/O

    And so on.

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