Personally I think they should be a naval and gunpowder civ.
In reality that’s what they were.
By the end of the 1300s gunpowder was so ubiquitous cannons on ships were considered as important as sails, even for civilian vessels.
Ditch forced levy – the karambit warrior already does the trick of the “Javanese had a high population and engaged in conscription” (who didn’t have conscription?)
Give them a new Imp unique tech that buffs hand cannons.
I dunno, give them pass through damage that’d be something new, and represents that they almost exclusively used gunpowder with grape shot for anti-personnel reasons.
Maybe even give them a naval UU that’s gunpowder.
Maybe a weak skirmishing boat with that Shrivamsha dodge mechanic to symbolize their use of naval incendiaries as smoke screens?
Or maybe just something simple like “Demo and fire ships created faster” if that’s too far out there.
Sadly nothing to symbolize their monopoly over the spice islands – would it be too much to have fish traps generate a trickle of gold instead of lasting longer?
Not that the Malay is a bad or boring civ, but I personally believe it doesn’t represent the Javanese too strongly, and there’s room to split it up between Javanese (Majapahit) and Malay (Srivijaya).
And the Javanese bred horses from Mongol stock after the failed Mongol invasion, and ended up breeding horses in demand in China and the Mongol Empire, and used horses (archers and lancers) far more than war elephants!
In fact, most of the time the Javanese elephants were ceremonial only and never saw combat.
Is any of this necessary?
No, but I wish it could happen.