Is Choosing Chinese Champions at Mid Elo a Benefit or a Setback?

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    On one side, the Arabian Civilization is considered a top-tier, yet rarely receives criticism for needing to be weakened.

    However, their success rate at mid-level elo is quite low.


    Its hard to say, really.

    Imo opinion main problem with chinese for a mid or low level players is that its hard to counter maa, drush or scouts without your own militia since making them as chinese is not common.

    Chinese start is not that hard, unlike decision what unit comp you should make as them.

    You need to rely only on your understanding of the game instead strong military bonuses


    People should realise that they don’t need to do a lot offensively and that they can retain their advantage just by staying defensive in feudal.

    Chinese get about 500-600 extra res by the 16-17 minute mark AFTER RECOVERING from their early resource deficit.

    Reason I mention the 16-17 minute mark is that they can click up to castle age by that time very consistently.

    The Chinese powerspike starts mid feudal and lasts till mid imp.

    It’s very strong.



    any civ you know well and feel comfortable with, will work for you.


    I think if you know the start and a reasonable opening then you’re doing fine with them anywhere but death ball maps.


    Other than what has been said, it depends…on the map and your experience with the civ.

    I recently found out that at the map Enclosed you start with a boar near your tc, and they can be very strong at this setting.

    On regular maps getting past early feudal undamaged is important, and early castle you can tech switch into anything.

    They arent half as easy as Franks, but strong if you know what you are doing.

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