Is Age of Empires II Unusable Since the Most Recent Update, When Will It Be Fixed?

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  • #14635

    For the past year, Age of Empires has been my go-to game to play when I have a limited amount of time.

    However, since the most recent update, which included an Xbox version, the game has been plagued with lagging and various bugs that make it difficult to enjoy the game’s campaigns, such as the farming placement bug, strange negative attacks, and more.

    This has caused me to take a break from playing, but I will still keep an eye on this subreddit in the hopes that the next patch will fix the issues.

    Does anyone know when that might be?


    Hopefully soon, but even the devs on the AoE2 Forum bug report section don’t know.

    My guess is there will be a partial fix by the end of the month, but IDK.


    Follow the official form of the main website and look for the update.

    All ETAs here are guesses at best and missinformation at worst

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