Is “2 vils can go on the same farm” an effective eco bonus?

  • This topic has 35 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by Aggravating-Skill-26.
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  • #47494

    I really like it, it is unique and has a load of little benefits that arent immediately obvious.

    Would make the farm upgrades super important to get early.


    Would love to see this (with tweaks) as well as 2×2 farms on different civs.


    Behind the scenes this would also need a rework on how fast a farm regenerates food.

    Which would mean single farms would also get a boost.

    Someone with more knowledge of the code should comment here i.e.

    SOTL, umdeuter or Twest.


    It’s a bit underwhelming if you compare that to the Teuton bonus.

    Teuton farms are 40% off, so you can almost make two farms for the cost of one which is a lot better than the bonus you suggest


    Depending on how badly pathing sucks, your farm vils could end up bumping into each other a lot, slowing down your food income, which would be bad.

    Now if they did manage to get perfect pathing, you’re going to need to reseed your farms twice as often, so you’re not saving wood in the long run, but are delaying when you spend some of it.

    Not sure if that would let you put fewer vils on wood early on to collect your other food sources faster (though of course then transition them to wood in time to ensure you can still afford farm reseeds when you need them), but if so, that could be a slight eco boost.

    Or even if it just means seeding fewer farms before getting the farm upgrades, that would at least be something.

    Stll doesn’t seem like it would be all that strong, though.

    As others have pointed out, though, having more farm vils close to your tc would make it easier to protect them, which seems like a decent defensive bonus (at least on open maps).


    it would potentially be counter productive,

    the farm expires, boom, you have two idle villagers vs one

    granted, two vills would biuld it back up faster too

    you would need some initiative to use two vills, like some gestald, say, two together are 25% more productive than both alone

    it would make a good tech for some civs to have and some not

    heck, wouldn’t mind it being a unique tech or civ bonus

    Vikings wouldn’t get it and I’m fine with that

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