Is “2 vils can go on the same farm” an effective eco bonus?

Think of it as space efficient, easier to defend farms and free faster wood to food conversion bonus.
I think it could be a bit OP, especially in a close map and/or fc build.
Give it to all civs!
Halves the manual effort of farm placing.
Encourages cleaner farms.
Smoother eco => beginner friendly
Teutons breathing heavily
It’s a really strong Eco power spike type bonus, it would likely only be balanced for a non Cav based Civ.
Aka no bloodlines or knights due to its strong food income boost.
Effectively 50% farm cost and proximity gains.
Huge bonus.
Assumes food amount is double per the normal wood cost.
Otherwise it’s a small gain.
Early game, it’s great because you need fewer farms for the same food income.
Late game, it’s neat because you can defend more farms per TC/castle and don’t run out of space.
As long as vills don’t bump into each other endlessly, yes, it’s a good bonus.
it would be very nice.
lesser early wood investment, better space efficiency, safer farms.
but I don’t think it can be implemented, farms are very tricky in that they have their own hidden food generation rate
It would be interesting.
Pros: you need half as much wood to get farmers started.
You could have twice as many farmers in the same area, allowing for easier defense.
Horse Collar etc would pay off sooner.
Cons: farms deplete twice as fast.
Farmers would bump into each other more slowing down the production.
Horse Collar etc would practically be required.
It would require changing the code which would introduce more bugs.
From that they would be OP in some cases but weaker in most others.
I think it could be really strong at pro level because of the timings.
But I’m a 1k elo casual, so what do I know about the pro level?
It doesn’t matter if it’s good or not.
It’s still a fantastic bonus able to trigger strong emotions while playing.
Even if it was implemented, the pathfinding would make it unusable because the vils would for sure bump into each other on the farms and get stuck…
That’s super strong early on.
Later it’s still pretty good as you need less space.
Would be one of the best bonuses in the game quite easily.
Perhaps the single best one.
I can see the villagers dancing around in each others’ way in my head already…
You’d farm faster, but need more wood, more quickly.
Seems like something to send SOTL to investigate.
thats actually a cool idea.
i would love to see that implemented.