Is “2 vils can go on the same farm” an effective eco bonus?

just a random idea came into my mind.
feels great in the initial thought, but looks more underwhelming as the game goes?
Hmmmm I could think of a few balance changes.
– 4×4 farms instead of 3×3
– costs around 100 wood
– 1 villager can still collect but horribly slow
– adding a second vill will buff the first one to gather/drop off at 2x the rate of a generic farmer from another civ.
Second vill won’t do any collection/dropoff themselves
Based on how farms work it wouldn’t really give you a boost.
You’d have to change how it works.
Currently the farms produce a certain amount of food per minute and you would hit that limit and have a lot of idle time.
I think that would break forest nothing games completely
yes it is
the purpose of farm is to turn wood into food overtime, you got 2 villager on the same farm means you can convert twice faster.
With a compromise of no crop rotation of heavy plow, definitely.
Idk man.
Collectivised agriculture didn’t go so well for the USSR.
An eco bonus doesn’t need to apply for the entire game.
For example, look at the British eco bonus of shepherding, or the French bonus of gathering berries.
While there are a few maps which will have this bonus extending into the Castle age, most of the time, this will be over by early Feudal.
Maybe if the civ that got it also had 4×4 farms?
Definitely seems like a cool bonus
An interesting side effect that would be interesting to track/quantify would be the inefficiencies due to villagers pathfinding and bumping into each other on the same farm.
I think it’s a cool idea to play around with.
No idea what it would actually end up being like.
Depends if they deplete twice as fast, then it’s not a big bonus.
It might be interesting for some timings as you can save wood initially.
Also you don’t best to build many farms far away from your TC which is nice.
But yeah that’s basically it.
Absolutely, yes.
It’s so above-and-beyond broken that you basically couldn’t put it in the game.
This would be perfect for a Dutch civ
I really like it as an idea.
Would obviously need some tweaking to be usefull/not overpowered, but fun
Feels like a credit card bonus.
Some assumptions:
They collect twice as much food from the farm, so they consume the farm twice as fast.
The civ doesn’t have any extra food on the farm.
There’s some bumping an inefficiency.
With that, this isn’t even a “eco/wood” savings, because you’re paying for the second farm eventually, when the first farm runs out (which will be faster than normal).
So, this is a “space” bonus.
You can drop 6 farms and be collecting as if you’re collecting from 12.
Space isn’t usually at a premium, so it feels like a gimmick or, at best, a VERY short term wood bonus, basically using a credit card to buy food, but the wood collector comes calling very quickly.