Interrogations Concerning Archer Gameplay

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    My strategy involves transitioning from 22 pop MAA to Archers at the 1k2 level.

    During the Dark age, I aim to minimize idle time and focus on gathering resources from various locations while keeping my MAA alive and stopping my opponent from walling off their base.

    To achieve this, I utilize stand ground box formation and use my Scout to obstruct my opponent’s villagers and intercept their first Archer.

    There are two different approaches to my range follow-up.

    One of which is planting four farms and then constructing a range, while the other is simply building a range directly.

    However, I am unsure about how many Archers I should forward, whether it should be one, two or two and a spear.

    Moreover, I was wondering if there are any signs, like the number of farms, that indicates when I should build a blacksmith and a fletching.

    Additionally, I am uncertain about the optimal number of Archers required for XBow timing, which could either be 10 or 15.

    Lastly, if I miss the XBow timing, I need to know what the appropriate follow-up is.


    range followup timing depends on the amount of damage you inflicted with maa and civ matchup.

    I usually go range immediately, if I feel my archers attack will not have adequate resistance, otherwise rush castle timing, for xbow attack.

    Build blacksmith and research upgrade only when you move out.

    if xbox attack failed and you are behind in vils, double down on aggression, if eco is equal boom and try to finish with imperial arbalesters.

    all of this can be further nuanced by civ matchup as I said above.


    Go archers straight away if they’re still open and you have an opportunity to do more damage.

    Delay the range if they manage to deal with your maa/the damage and seed farms to improve your castle timing.

    Send everything you can forward asap in the 1st scenario if you can do it safely.

    If he can pick off your single archers with a scout there’s no use sending them 1 by 1.

    A single archer can be very helpful to deny walls or to harass walled in resources maa can’t reach.


    From my own experience at similar level, food can be a bit tight in early feudal in a 22p maa archer build (assuming u didn’t push any deer). 2-3 farms before range can help you sustain vil production, on top of the usual 4 on berries (sheep usually run out at that time).

    If you push 1 deer and go for 21p up, it can be good to drop a range before farms because you still have sheep left over.


    if you’re playing Saracens everything is different because of the market, both because you want to build it quickly and because you need to be using it to play the civ to its potential.

    this is especially true of things like judging range and upgrade timings based on the number of farms you have.

    it’s also worth keeping in mind that he can’t really wall you out with palisades.


    General rule is if they go scout send forward 1-2 spears with 2 archers as soon as possible.

    If its archers

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