Instruct Infantry to Launch an Attack Upon Arrival on the Battlefield

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  • #15235

    Greetings everyone!

    Is there a method for military units to instantly strike something while they are marching to their designated location?

    For instance, if I have three militia structures and I have assigned a waypoint in the enemy’s base, my units will just rush to that point without taking into account anything else.

    This usually leads to them being killed unnecessarily.


    Yeah don’t set the rally point to the enemy base.

    On PC, and I assume Xbox is the same, the rally point is just walk.

    However, attack/move will have them walk to a destination and attack everything on the way.

    Patrol will have them move between two points and they’ll only engage enemy units, not enemy buildings.

    You can set the patrol REALLY far away if you just want them to attack enemy units in the path.


    Are you on Xbox?

    The attack move command is X rather than A.

    Select said building and then press X


    No, the best you can do in this case is set the waypoint just outside yourbarracks, then, select the units and use attack move when you send them to the opponents base, that way they will attack any units they see on the way.


    Select the units, and use attack move to the area, which makes them fight anything they may come across.


    Did you play the tutorials?

    If not, you should, they’ll help alot.

    They explained how to do this in the first tutorial.

    Just pick a location and then press X.

    Your units will travel to that destination, attacking any enemy units they come across on the way.

    Hope that helps.

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