Inquiries for Sandy Petersen?

  • This topic has 37 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by redbarebluebare.
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  • #14004

    Ask him if he ever expected that the game he made as so solid that it lasted trough the ages (hehe) and is more alive than ever.


    What’s a unit or unit dynamic that’s not currently in the game that you would like to see?


    appreciate all the questions guys


    Nelly if you remember the DE civ guessing video, it would be great if you could do a similar thing with the DE expansions.

    Also explain to him the concept of DoI, and how finally Indians got split in 4 civs, like how he and the British wanted.

    I would like to explain the Hindustanis as the civ based on Uzbeks, Afghans/Pashtoons/Pashto as ethnicity and the Delhi Sultanate, Ghorid, Ghaznavid and Mughal Empires.

    It is a bit complicated but he will definitely appreciate it.

    Lastly give him a pass for the Thirisadai since it is fictional.

    Also if you remember I had mailed you all of this, along with the idea of having u/CysionBE and Sandy together, discussing the past, present and future of the game.


    Not sure if anyone else touched on this already – Steppe lancers and their place in the game (ie should they replace knight line for steppe civs).

    Maybe a segway into regional units in general (Elephantos, etc.)

    With regards to regional civ traits – his opinion on having regional skins for units in a similar way to architecture


    What are his thoughts on AoE1 being incorporated to AoE2DE as a DLC?


    An interesting question would be what he and the team expected would happen to aoe2,how long it would be a thing,where it would go and would they ever have imagined it would be booming 23 years later


    What unique units would he want added to the game?

    Are there civilizations that he feels are redundant and should be removed?

    Does he prefer games where the civilizations are essentially the same or radically different (aoe2 vs aoe3)?

    What unique mechanics would he like to see added, or what unique mechanics did he try to add that never made it to the game?

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