If Any Civilization Were to Receive an Extra Troop Upgrade or Unique Unit to Make It Overpowered, What Would It Be?

  • This topic has 34 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by chouettepologne.
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  • #13328


    Celts getting Woad Raiders with their +20% bonus attack and +10% bonus defense


    Goths getting Huskarls that now have +20% bonus attack and +10% bonus defense


    Huns getting Steppe Lancers with their +20% bonus attack and +10% bonus defense

    The condition is that you can only obtain an additional troop line unit or a unique unit, not another civilization’s Unique Techs or Bonuses.


    I’m going to stick to just the generic technology tree.

    No need to create crazy combos like “Japanese with Garland Wars and Wootz Steel.”

    Berbers/Bulgarians/ – All of these civs are strong enough with Cavaliers, so imagine if they had Paladins.

    Britons – Thumb Ring is missing for a reason.

    Burgundians/Franks – Bloodlines

    Goths – Plate Mail Armor

    Lithuanians – Blast Furnace, assuming we don’t take back the Winged Hussar and Leitis buffs.

    Malians – Bracer.

    Malians are the only civ to miss out on both Bracer AND Blast Furnace (only 11 other civs miss even one of these two key techs).

    The way Malians seem to be designed, you use your bonuses early on to field an army of archers and infantry before researching Farimba and swapping to cavalry.

    Having Bracer would let the Malians more easily transition an Archer-based army into one where Cavalry is supported by Arbalesters and/or Skirmishers.

    Mongols – Cavalry/Archer Armor 3.

    Mongol light cavalry and cav archers would be the best in the game if these were available.

    Turks – Elite Skirmishers would basically solve the post-Imperial Turks when combined with their superior Hussars.


    Malian Conditerri, Berber Paladin, Malay Huskarl.


    What about Lithuanians getting the last attack upgrade?


    Byzantines getting legionaries, Persians getting Eastern Swordsmen or Goths/Vikings/Franks/Teutons/Huns getting Norse warriors

    In Dark Age


    Supremacy Bohemian or Inca villager


    Celts having teutonic knights making them faster.

    Or Aztecs having teutonic knights with garlands.

    Saracens having Imperial camel with the extra hp.

    Or Gurjaras having Imperials camel.

    Ethiopians having longbows.

    Saracens/berbers having longboats.


    There’s tons of combinations but some things I would hate to see:

    * Frank Huszars(one of the best trash in the game)/Shwarmas(eco +hp)/Konniks(hp)/Boyars(castles + hp)/Leitis/Coustilier.
    * Mongol Kipchaks(they’re dirt cheap).Goth Serjeants(they’ll hit sooner than anything anyone mentioned here)
    * Karambits(rise of the true zergling).
    * Celt BBC (machine gun/tanky)


    Not as much as others but Persians and heresy (units die on conversion)

    Their elephants biggest weakness is really monks converting them


    Chinese getting steppe lancers (which is probably the most relevant civ to have it added, out of those who don’t, as one of their dynasties was a mongol one, can’t remember which)


    Spanish with treadmill crane lol


    What about Brits simply getting Hussar?

    I have only played as Brits a couple times.

    Elite camels?

    Winged hussar?


    Turks and elite skirms


    Saracens with Farimba would be insane.

    Mamelukes would have:

    14 + 5 atk with a +12 atk vs mounted units at 3 range.

    120HP with 4 melee & 4 pierce armor.

    7 Mamelukes could 1 shot a FU generic Paladin, usually you would need 9.

    Now imagine if they also got Gurjaras’ bonus damage & Hindustanis’ attack speed….


    I’d rather give civs something that isn’t gated by castle productions.

    So probably one of:


    Chakram thrower to goths (assuming anarchy/perfusion applies).

    They can mass them faster than anyone, have a discount, and they have counters for the all the counter units (halbs vs heavy cav, bombard cannon for onagers, HC for super melee armor infantry like tectonic knights).

    2.) Cataphract to Huns (assuming UT lets them produce from stables).

    Similar reasoning: Cataphract is a strong unit without relying on bonuses from Byz, and removing castle bottleneck makes them scary quick to mass.

    3.) Arbalester to Persians.

    Trash arbs ftw?

    4.) Champion to Malay.

    Trash champions ftw?

    5.) Camel line to Franks.

    Camel civs don’t counter franks anymore.

    Alternatively shrivamshas just to make them extremely annoying with raid potential.

    6.) BBC to chinese.

    Easy for them to counter onagers now.

    Honorable mention for Portuguese: with their dark age eco bonus, universal gold discount, and ability to give ballistics to gunpowder, and a game plan that often involves early pressure followed by getting to imp relatively fast, I think they’d be incredibly scary with houfnice.

    The shots aren’t the strongest, but even fast moving units would have to be heavily microd to have a chance of getting near them.

    Also feitorias are seeing a lot more play in Titan’s league as a way to transition from “all in crazy pressure” into “actually I have a decent economy behind for longer games”.

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