Ideas for Civilizations Without Storylines

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  • #8802

    For civilizations that have not yet had their campaigns highlighted, or have not been featured in campaigns yet (such as Dracula), we invite ideas for custom campaigns.

    We have already completed campaigns for Muhammad Ghori (Persians), Mehmed the Conqueror (Turks), and Honfoglalas (Magyars).

    We are currently working on campaigns for The Great Unifiers (Japanese) and Qi Jiguang (Chinese).

    In the future, we plan to create campaigns for Aethelfrith (Celts), B’alaj Chan Kawill (Mayans), Admiral Yi Sun-shin (Koreans), Yaroslav the Wise (Slavs) and a Vikings campaign (still undecided).

    We welcome any ideas you may have!


    if at some point the support for Age 2 DE should be ended…

    all civs should get at least 1 real campaign.

    + I would like to see a few more *Historical Battles* scenarios.


    For Vikings Harald Haardrada is a popular choice, because he travelled through all Europe and thus lots of civs can be present at his Campaign.

    I’m 100% for a Celt Campaign.

    I want to test mass Siege against the AI


    You have everyone there decided but Vikinga tbh.

    For them I would choose Sigurd the Crusader.

    However if I had to choose for the rest:

    Sviatoslav the Brave for Slavs

    Taizong or Dou Jiande gor China

    Pakal II for Mayans

    Khosrow I/Khosrow II for Persians

    Suleiman for Turks

    Jangsu/Gaesomun for Koreans

    Kato Kiyomasa for Japan

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