I Saw T90 On YouTube And I Want To Play Age Of Empires, But I’m Unsure Of Which Version To Get On Steam

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    Unless you fail to meet minimum specs for DE, HD’s only for server maintenance


    There’s essentially no reason to get the 2013 edition, since most of the playerbase has moved on to DE, and that’s the edition that gets updates, balance changes, etc.

    Very few reasons to play on HD, tons of reasons to play on DE.

    Do get DE.

    That’s the one everyone (almost) plays and the most recent.

    DE has three following DLCs that add new civs and campaigns:
    Lords of the West: Sicilians and Burgundians
    Dawn of the Dukes: Poles and Bohemians
    Dynasties of India: reworks Indians into Hindustanis, adds Gurjaras, Dravidians, and Bengalis.

    I don’t play campaigns much, but each of these DLCs add a couple campaigns as well.

    The three DLCs are optional as far as actually playing the game, but there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy playing these new civs, many of which are quite strong.

    Consider picking them up if you’re interested, but if you’re really strapped for cash or want to just try things out first don’t worry too much about them.

    I picked them up on sale and I’m very happy to have them myself.

    TLDR: Buy DE.

    Don’t buy HD.

    Think about buying the three DLCs, but you don’t have to in order to play the game and have a good experience.

    Welcome 🙂 and hope you enjoy.


    Age of Empires II (Definitive Edition)

    ~~Age of Empires II (2013)~~

    ~~Age of Empires II (Definitive Edition) + AOE II (2013)~~ – This is a combo of the two, is there a reason to own both? (**This exists so people who got AOE II 2013 edition would have a discount in getting AOE II DE**)

    For Aoe2 DE getting the DLC is only if you *want to* they arent really nessecary and, yes power creep has resulted in these civs generally being stronger, its not to the point of nessecity as the game isnt really designed to encourages you to grab them that heavily.

    They unlock some single player scnearios if you like the single player content and the civs are unlocked in totality if you like the multiplayer content.

    You arent locked out of playing with others if you lack the DLC or obtain them.

    You just become barred from getting them.


    Get DE its the curret supported veraion


    So long as you meet the system requirements, go for DE.

    It’s basically better in all ways except the much higher requirements.

    Also keep in mind that besides the minimum system requirements you also have to meet a certain benchmark to be able to play Ranked matchmaking


    Also if you’re just on the edge of meeting the system requirements it can be a big help to turn off a lot of the unnecessary graphical effects etc.

    Pros do that either way just because it’s better for gameplay, but of course if you have the hardware and like the eye candy you can keep em.


    Here’s a video with some tips of what settings and mods to get from Hera: [WATCH THIS VIDEO BEFORE PLAYING RANKED | AoE2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcTlQ5QpS8A)


    No reason to get the 2013 one.

    It’s basically like a much older version of the game.

    The Dawn of the Dukes, Lords of the West & Dynasties of India DLC only work with the Definitive Edition game.

    It’s a bit fiddly to explain, but the other DLCs (Africa and Rajas) were for the 2013 version.

    When Definitive Edition came out, it had the DLC content installed in the base game.

    So there is no reason to buy them.


    No reason to get the 2013 remake


    t90 is class.

    He is what pulls me back into the game when I get demotivated.

    And an extremely good player too.


    I got the game because of him as well!

    Maybe he should start getting a cut from Microsoft? 11


    Don’t get 2013, DE is the only good one now.

    HD (2013) is only potentially worth playing if you have nostalgia, if you’re a new player, there’s no reason to pick it up.

    You don’t need to get the DLCs, they will just let you play as some new civs, and play some new campaigns.

    I’d start with the base game, see if you like it, then get DLCs if you want.

    The DLCs are all for DE by the way.


    Thanks everyone for chipping in.

    This is great.

    Seems the concensus is to get DE, so I’ll do that.

    I was also pleasantly surprised to see that such an old game (a relic if I may) is being kept updated to this day.

    Thanks everyone


    AoE2 DE only

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