I Learned About Hunting Dogs in Age of Empires II

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  • #6902

    I have fond memories of playing Age of Mythology.

    I was surprised to learn that some elements of it were included in Age of Empires II.

    What do you think of it?


    For those that don’t know Hunting Dogs is an upgrade that improves gathering food from hunting and shore fishing.

    Personally, I didn’t know it was ever in AoE2 but it seems it was present and was also free for Magyars as an actual economy bonus.

    Personally I wouldn’t mind it making a return but apparently it was removed because competitive players at the time thought it was too good, or something.


    It worked in AOM because most maps had several groups of deer to hunt.

    You usually didn’t make farms until extremely late into the second or third age.

    At least in my experience from years ago :p


    Afaik that tech also exists in AoE 3

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