I Don’t Wish for the Return of Rome DLC.

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  • #10217

    I would like to congratulate the developers and all those who have contributed to the success of AOE2 DE over the years.

    It is truly amazing how far the game has come.

    However, the AOE2 community is not particularly large, as evidenced by the difficulty of finding a game in the pairing system, or the need to ban certain maps in order to reduce queue times.

    It is also important to note that the AOE2 community is generally quite stable and does not tend to increase or decrease significantly, with the exception of when a new Age of Empires game or AOM is released, when some players may switch to the new games.

    My concern is that if more and more game modes are created, this will further divide the already small community, and make multiplayer queues even longer.

    While I understand the desire to grow the community, I do not think that the Return of Rome DLC will achieve this, as it will only further divide the community.

    In conclusion, while I think the Return of Rome DLC is a good idea in itself, I do not think it is a good idea to create more and more different game modes that further divide the already small community.

    What do you think?


    The DLC is not meant for the hardcore AoE2 fanbase.

    It’s so that AoE1 can be played by a portion of its fanbase which was asking for AoE2 style improvements to be made native to the AoE1 DE version.

    For whatever technical reasons, this isn’t possible with the current AoE1 DE; so the game is being imported into AoE2 DE as the required infrastructure already exists here.

    The only thing in the DLC for the hardcore AoE2 fan is the rumoured Rome civ that will be added as AoE2 DE’s 43rd civ


    It’s not to divide the AoE2 fanbase.

    It’s to bring the AoE1 in, so they can benefit from the mechanical upgrades AoE2 brings, along with more regular bug fixes and an actual live game.


    We’re not a small community, really.

    Yeah, we’re no CSGO, but we’re one of the top 50 most active games on steam.


    Don’t worry.

    It wont split the playerbase.

    I just don’t want Romans as a new AoE2 civ.


    We don’t even know how will RoR work tbh, but I agree in that one of my worries was adding too many different queues if RoR ends up being a separate thing inside AoE2


    This sounds like the exact same fear mongering that was being cooked up on the eve of AOE4: “AOE II DE and AOE III DE were released just so the devs could *force* you into playing their new game–AND they’re going to start adding more bugs to AOE II deliberately and stop fixing them!


    Just sit back and enjoy having a company dedicated to your hobby make you nice new toys from time to time–this community is going to be around for a long time.

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