I Cannot Seem to Triumph in Archer Versus Knight Battles, What Should I Do?
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February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12069
Anonymous Player
MemberI have tried using my archers to surround and attack his knights, but they usually just run into my base and overwhelm me.
I have even tried using monks to convert his knights, but he just spams them and I can’t keep up.
I have tried microing my archers, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Is there anything else I can do as an archer player?
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12082flightlessbirdi
GuestIdentifying your power spikes and weak spots is important, you attack during your power spikes and mostly defend during your weak spots.
If you attack during a weak spot you will likely lose army and snowball against you, if you do a lot of damage during a power spike you might be able to continue pushing the advantage during a weak spot though, so the key is reading how much damage you have done.
Early/mid feudal – power spikes – once you have a few archers and spears vs just scouts you can push out and do damage, usually get fletching also, this power spike lasts until opponent has decent number of skirms out…
Mid/late feudal – Weak spot – once opponent has decent scout + skirm mass your army is weaker, your best options are to wall up and wait for castle age, or add scouts.
If your opponent doesn’t do skirms then your power spikes lasts until opponent gets castle age.
Early castle – powerspike – try do damage before opponent has a big knight mass with +2 armor.
Mid-late castle – weak spot defend with army + monks or siege if needed, a defensive castle can be a good idea of opponent going heavy army, pikeman may also be needed in late castle age if your map isn’t the best.
Early imp – powerspike – Arbs be strong, can add halbs later.
Mid/late imp tends to depend more on civs.
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12095Parrotparser7
GuestForce him to switch into siege.
Use your towers.
Make walls on the map and use Redemption monks to ruin their siege units.
Area control and area denial are the game.
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12094archbunny
GuestAdd pikes or monks.
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12093SavingsWafer195
GuestMaybe have a look at the replay in Capture Age and check the total army value before engagements.
Sounds like your opponents have invested mich more – thus them winning the engagement is to be expected.
One of the advantages of playing archers is being able to mass them in feudal & on the way to castle while the knight-player can only start in castle.
You can have 20-30 xbows by the time he is just starting to build numbers.
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12092HattyH99
GuestGeonese crossbows behind walls?
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12091Yourpersonalpilot
GuestI’m 1400 and honestly I have no idear what to do either.
I punish myself by picking archer civs on Arabia and loosing to all in knights constantly.
The other way round I always win because I just pump out knights like it’s nothing and it works 9/10 times because the early imp doesn’t mean shit if I raid him to death.
So in conclusion knights should have an increased food cost
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12090latamrider
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12089mittenciel
GuestIf you’re winning early fights, then use that time to wall up and defend.
Monks and crossbows work great against knights trying to bash walls.
Knights are very expensive and are hard to mass in large numbers while still going to imperial.
Against full castle play, you need to go to Imp early.
You shouldn’t need too much eco for archer and monk production.
Build a university for ballistics, look to go to Imp, then build castle at some point for trebs before you get to Imp.
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12088Mathantastic123
Guest20 knights will always beat 30 xbowsU need at least double the number of xbows to win.
Xbows are way cheaper, u should be able to build more ranges and outproduce ur oponent
Also, get ballisticsFebruary 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12087greg_stream
GuestGo back to the recorded game and check your opener then start asking yourself some proper valid questions:
Q: Did my opener build do anything to my opponent?A: e.g.
My Maa could have been more effective If I lured 1 or 2 deers and clicked up at 20 pop.
Q: Was his eco ahead of mine, what to do to improve it?A: Spam more farms earlier, queue army from a single archery range, and wall.
Q: Did his scout rush inflict more damage to me at feudal, and things I can improve to avoid it?A: Quick wall forward resources and defend the others with spears (pro tip: build your lumber camp next to foragers or any two resources next to each other to defend both with minimum spears)
Q: Who was first to castle age?A: I could have use a market to go up faster!?Q: Is there a chance he goes 1 TC all in knights?A: in that case I should only add 2nd tc, a monastery, mine stone and wall as good as I can
Archers do not win upgraded knights, however thumb ring does help and some civilizations like Ethiopians, britons are an exception to rule (Ethiupians have free firing speed + thumb ring make them ridiculously better.
Britons archery ranges queue archers fast and get free range, meaning they can out kts really fast and out range mangonels.
>i am defending and booming with everything mentioned above but knights are always winning against me , what should i do?
Do not build 2 additional tcs instead build only one additional tc, mine stone , monastery and balistics when you have the numbers.
Things you can do with the stone is either build defensive castles, or get towers guard upgrade to defend against a heavy mangonel push
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12086TechChariot
GuestWhat’s your elo?
I’m 1300 and you would not believe how many of us just mindlessly spam knights into victory.
Guess what I’m saying is that there’s a very good chance you’re not alone in this regard.
My advice is to wall well, make monks, camels, or knights of your own.
Knights counter archers (or at least they should, barring some extreme micro or pathfinding fiasco).
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12085Madwoned
GuestIt’s rough on the current patch due to the way units no longer seem to block and knights can just phase into an archer mass due to the bug.
Having said that, getting to 20 knights is a significant investment and 20 knights will beat 30 xbows all day owing to that.
As the xbow player you should have the better eco lead especially over someone with that many knights so you should be able to hit imp faster as your food is primarily only spent on techs and eco upgrades and the imp upgrades should give you a significant advantage over knights
Pikes aren’t that good unless you know what you’re doing with them or plan with them as part of your defence.
Their best use comes when they’re in a good mass to take on the knights and even there you’d be taking economically good trades instead of straight up winning often
I’d say you should watch your replays though as the scenarios you suggest should result in good fights for you with decent micro.
You might find an answer as to why you’d have lost those fights there
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12084LameHandLuke
GuestArcher line cost a total of 70 resources, can start massing in feudal.
Knight line costs 135 total resources and have to wait until castle.
For even semi reasonable game balance, knights should win even close to 2×1 numbers
February 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm #12083chaddislayer_v7
GuestI don’t know if this helps let’s assume there’s no mangonel, then have 30 pikes and 20 archer/xbows, put them on square formation, stand ground mode after grouping them.
Move them to the threat position.
It’s like turtling with units.
Move into enemy territory with caution with the same stances.
And keep light cavalry to get rid of monks and siege units (offensive stance, line formation)
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