I Achieved Success in Knight Elo and I’m Thrilled

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    and it was getting really old.

    I’m thrilled that I recently managed to reach the upper 1400 elo and now my opponents have switched up their strategies from just blindly sending out scouts and praying for a castle all-in with two knights to more creative tactics like sending out maa archers or scouting skirmishers.

    It’s certainly a welcome change and I’m delighted to see that the feudal age is now much more important and proper game planning is essential.

    I’m glad that the days of solely relying on Berber, Frank, Cumans, Magyar, and Mongol strategies are over and I’m looking forward to the new strategies that will be employed.


    Currenty at 1250-1300 elo.

    There’s no way to express how much I hate Burgundians.

    I don’t stand a chance against them.

    And it feels so unfair when I random pick them.

    Just delay your opponent, play counter units to defend until castle age, make 3 *stables, 2+2Cavallier, destroy one of his palizades and kill him.

    There’s no chance to stop that with xbows.

    Maybe pikemens, but you’ll be destroyed by burgudians economy bonuses and cavallier’s mobility.

    Maybe a camels civilization, but it depends on what are you playing with in that match.

    I could say the same for Lithuanians, but at least you have the chance to prevent your opponent to get the relics.

    But against civilizations like Burgundians, you have to make an extremely aggressive and almost perfect feudal.

    Of course, I’m talking from my personal experience, I’ve played 1v1 400 games so far.


    11 I’ve been 1700 and it doesn’t stop my guy, there are just fewer of them and they make some TCs as well.

    But it’s still “hurr durr knights pray for an overchop or you being slow on making a house”


    I don’t blame people for 2 Stable Knights.

    If you can’t do the simple stuff you can’t do the hard stuff.


    The other way is to come down to 850-900 elo.

    You can’t possibly predict what’s going to happen.


    Camels are also quite useless against Cavaliers…

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