How to Play the Game Successfully

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  • #3807

    hi again Iam furkan
    first thing you need to know build orders but you shouldnt stuck in them in different maps depends to hunt location,villager fight can change you can grab sellement etc
    if you can do steal ur enemy hunt and cows against atlantean to usefull but this atlantean players might ignore you dont forget even it is allowed
    if you have forward goldmine you need to protect it.your oppenet wanna rush
    to protecting you need also defend ur towers and upgrade them
    make wall near by them
    enemy may can fake to you and grab towncenter
    depeds to what enemy plannig you need to do counter tactic

    playing tg dont help you improve your games % should be %90-%95 1v1 and others

    Until reach 1700 rating u have select one god as main
    For be better player dont go random gods
    Stick in one and reach any level then use others
    Ofc u can play other gods
    But if u get bored play other gods otherwise going random gonna confuse you a lot it did to me finnaly I am no more confusing but it took to long

    I said watch old records learn tactics but use modern buils orders
    For know thats it
    İf you givw me new ideas to post here constant contact with me
    my discord:[You must login to view link] moslty play aom and aom channels I upload here perfect recorded games
    there is also member plus channels
    Iam explaning my all tactics and stragety
    my youtube channel:
    Iam uploading aoms here
    my twitch:
    I am casting aom mostly times
    By Furkan top player

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