How to Enhance the Militia-Line: Exploring Theories on Buffing LS Play in Castle Age If Gambesons Falls Short

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  • #24916

    Maa being a free tech ONLY in castle age might make switching into LS a lot easier and more desirable while not changing any stats


    Lets be real here

    Arson should cost wood and gold not food and gold

    You are literally depicting a torch made out of wood and you need food ?

    Makes no sense


    Put two handed swordsman in the castle age lol


    Just make a new game if Gambeson doesn’t make it work.


    Just make them cheaper ffs


    Give them a horse, or a crossbow.


    If they were **significantly less costly to tech into relative to the knight line and archer line in Castle Age** then they would see more use at that point in the game.

    As it stands, the militia line requires more resources and time to be invested into upgrading the units relative to the knight and archer lines and even once that extra cost is paid the militia line is still a relatively inferior unit that competes with villager production for limited food eco more than knights or XBows do.

    While Gambeson helps the militia line trade a bit better against archers, the tech also further contributes to this upgrade cost disparity.

    * To get full Castle Age upgrades on the generic militia line in the PUP, it will cost 1895 resources (70% food) and 8 minutes of research time.
    * For the generic knight line, it costs 1340 resources (76% food) and 6 minutes.
    * For the generic archer line, it costs 2175 resources (47% food) and 5 minutes.

    **This upgrade cost disparity combined with the superiority of the knight line and archer line’s base stats, unit cost, and respective mobility and range advantage make the militia line disappear in Castle Age**.

    Additionally, knights and archers are so effective against the other unit’s counter (skirms and spearmen respectively) that there is no need for a “trash killer” at this point in the game.

    There is especially not a need for “trash killer” which strains limited food eco, which still costs gold, which is more expensive to upgrade than the trash itself, which is more expensive to upgrade than knights or archers, which dies to archers, and which only trades evenly with knights.

    **For most civs, Gambeson will allow for more Champion and 2HS play in late Castle Age/Imp due to a number of factors**.

    In late Castle Age/Imperial Age the economy is larger (making the switch more bearable), trash counter units to knights/XBow hit the field in large numbers as gold becomes scarce, most of the upgrades for knights and XBow have already come in (some of which are shared with militia), the upgrade cost disparity begins to disappear (see below), and food becomes relatively more plentiful as players approach pop cap and no longer need constant villager production (making the heavy food cost of the militia line no longer a problem).

    * To fully upgrade the generic militia line, it costs 4345 resources (68% food) and 13:15 minutes.
    * To fully upgrade the generic knight line, it costs 5040 resources (64% food; Paladin alone is 40% of the total upgrade cost for the knight line) and 13:25 minutes.
    * To fully upgrade the generic archer line, it costs 4525 resources (51% food) and 9:20 minutes.

    Making the resource and time cost for infantry upgrades in the Castle Age (and maybe Feudal Age) significantly cheaper relative to the knight and archer line would give it the advantage of being quicker to assemble a decent army at the disadvantage of being less mobile, heavier on food eco, weaker in low numbers relative to the knight, and lacking the range of the XBow.

    EDIT: Corrected some spelling/grammar and removed some speculation that didn’t fit with the main point being made.


    Double Arson

    Double goths bonus vs building

    Double bonus rams damages from being garrisoned by infantry

    Double militia bonus vs building

    Allow an UI command to put a group of Militia inside a GROUP OF rams or siege tower.


    Militia doesn’t have cav speed or archer range, so they have to be able to force fighting at one place.

    Only a great increase of bonus vs building can achieve this.


    Go with sandy’s suggestion and make them cheaper.

    Also give us imp age tech that reduces pop cost of swordsmen by 20%.

    You can also buff siege rams and siege towers as they are intended to use with infantry.

    Arson should get a +1 or +2 damage buff too, the tech is really weak.

    Swords can also be slightly faster as they are outsped by halbs atm.


    Give Koreans Blast Furnace.


    Well reason why you don’t see Malians going longswords is coz they have a fleshed out Castle Age tech tree.

    They can go for anything and their stable units scale better from Castle Age to early imperial.

    Malian longswords can work but Gbetos behind a mass of cavalry is just a better army comp especially with their current longer lasting gold bonus.

    Their champions are used in trash wars however.

    If Malians had a shitty stable, I think longswords would have seen far more play.


    > It was pointed out that LS getting +1PA w/ Gambesons won’t be enough, seeing as Malian LS getting +2PA for free and still doesn’t see a lot of play.

    I disagree with that assertion.

    Malian LS *only* have +2 PA for free.

    They don’t have the Slavic or Viking food eco, the Bulgarian krepost in support, the insane Japanese attack rate, the Celtic mangonel shooting from behind them.

    I look forward to playing longswordsmen in the new patch with any civ but Malians.


    surely the way has to be to give them additional techs, so it becomes more expensive to get them to full upgrades



    Just stop trying to make militia a main meta unit in castle age onwards.

    Its okay for a unit to be niche at certain points in the game.

    It doesn’t really fit in anywhere in the game and it isn’t needed.

    You have plenty of counters to Xbow and Knights, no need for Militia to jump in for the sake of it.


    Cheaper and/or slightly quicker.

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