How Skilled Should You Be After 100 Ranked Matches?

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  • #12462

    there is a player called prisma that reached 2k elo around 1500 games, he started playing in 2021


    Interesting graph 🙂 thanks for the data.

    Of course most of this is ‘it depends’.

    It depends if you played campaign or a bunch of lobby games before jumping into ranked.

    Or if you dared to click multiplayer straight off.

    Iirc only the top 25% of players even play ranked.

    The rest are in the lobbies.

    So that’s be factored into the elo and if you’re at 900 elo 1v1 you already are above average cos 75% of the player base doesn’t even play ranked (mostly too scared, and not ready, but some will be good).

    But ultimately with improvement and progress, it’s like with any skill.

    You don’t get much better by doing the entire thing over and over.

    Eg by playing football or basketball for the entire game over and over.

    You break it down into small components of skills and train those.

    Shooting, dribbling, passing, movement drills, etc.

    If you want to be a really good aoe player, you train the specific macro and micro situations.

    The tutorials are a good place to start.

    And the interactive build orders.

    The actual games should just be taken as a measure of how much you improved through the training in between.

    The graph is interesting tho for a very rough estimation of that.

    With the variance of course 🙂 nice one.


    omg Im so far below curve 😂


    new player on xbox here, is the starting elo 1000?

    i played my first 10 ranked games and i’m at around 1200 elo.

    not sure if this is inflated because it’s on xbox or what

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