How Skilled Should You Be After 100 Ranked Matches?

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  • #12458

    The question of what rating is considered “good” and at what rating you can call yourself a noob is hard to answer, so instead I wanted to present a different view on the topic.

    Specifically, what elo are you expected to have after a given amount of 1v1 ranked games?

    To answer this, I gathered data from all players currently active on the 1v1 leaderboard from, selecting all players within 25 games for any given number of ranked games.

    The rating shown is the current elo, not the highest elo, of the players.

    The data showed that after about 200 games, the average player gets to 1k elo.

    However, even after 1500 games, 1k is not outside of one standard deviation.

    This indicates that progress is slow and even after 1500 games, players can consider themselves an above average player with a rating over 1300, and a really good player at 1600 no matter the number of games played.


    I don’t think I’ve yet hit a hundred games, but I’ve been sitting around 1100 1v1, but I play a lot with my friend against the AI, and watch a lot of videos.


    It depends, my dad who has been off and on playing AOE for the last 20 years, I’d expect him to go from like 400 elo to maybe 600 elo after 100 games on DE, but then my brother who has almost no AOE experience, I’d expect him to go from 600-1000 elo after 100 games.

    It more so depends on the person and their maximum potential and what their apm looks like


    301 1v1 ranked and 1395 elo


    I have 150 ranked games, sit on 17xx but I am still a massive noob


    ~500 games in.

    feels good to be at ~1150 i guess

    been a good week of aoe.

    went from hovering around 1050-1100 to not really dropping below 1100 now.


    The real question is how much fun should you have


    im new on xbox 60-70 hours ranked only im at 970-1000 still.

    i win 49/51% of my matches…..


    There’s no answer for this other than a few questions,how competitive do you want to be,how much are you learning,how efficiently are you learning, how much time do you have to put in and what do you want to get out of it


    I was 1400


    I have to point out that 1v1 ranked games aren’t the only way to improve in the game and people usually mix in some team games.

    My personal experience is that I am 1800 elo(1850 highest this December) after 1200 games, but I also have 1600 ranked tgs and 1000+ lobby games.

    So the total is around 4000 games.

    Most of them have been for relaxing with friends after work, but even those easy going games keep me in shape enough that every tryhard spree has led to higher and higher elos.


    I’ve played this game on and off for like a decade feels like I must be bad as I’m not 2k+ at this point lmao needs more x axis


    Are you playing to be competitive/pro or just to have good time?

    Expectations are not the same.

    I have close to 2000 games in last few years and I am hovering around 1000.

    I don’t care about ELO as long I can find a fun match each time I get around to play.

    I find the 950-1100 bracket to be more than enough for me.


    Worth noting that this isn’t really necessarily showing improvement rates.

    If you look at the slope there and expect to improve by 200 ELO over 800 games, you will likely be disappointed.

    Part of the data is that the players who began good are the ones that were motivated to stick with the game, those that began bad gave up before reaching high game amounts, or are less encouraged to play frequently.


    After 100 games I think I was 500 elo which is up from the 300 I started at

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