How Many Civilizations in Age of Empires II Are You Familiar With?
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The regulation is that you do not have to be in close proximity to the person, just someone that you would recognize and they would recognize you if you randomly encountered each other.
Furthermore, ancestry is not taken into consideration, thus Italian-Americans would not be counted as Italians; they would have to be born in Italy.
Likewise, Japanese-Peruvians would be considered Incas rather than Japanese.
Bonus: I am from the United States.
I dated a Hun in college, she was cool but didn’t have a house.
I hang out with tutors and goths all the time lol
Hello im a Keshik with a fiat Punto
Gf is Lithuanian Sicilian, op ngl
I am a Slav, know Brit (I count Canadians as Brit here), Italian, Teutons, Indian (not sure more specifically), Turk, Korean, Chinese, Tatar, Ethiopian; probably missed a few.
There isnt a dutch civ yet but bohemia, teutons, franks, goths, spanish, burgundian, celts and others all ruled it at some point.
A good dutch civ would be Frisians.
My family is Viking, teuton, and Celt.
My wife is britons and Franks.
I have neighbors are Koreans, Chinese, dravidians, Aztecs/ Mayans.
By brother in law is Bengali.
Pretty cool exercise overall
I’m probably around 3/4 Frank and 1/4 Burgundian (plus whatever invader blood seeped in lol).
I know people from all over India so most of those civs if not all.
I know some Chinese, britons, Ethiopian, Korean, Japanese, teuton/goth, cuman, and maybe Vietnamese and Malay (not fully sure of country of birth/ethnically)
Bengalis, britons, berbers, dravidians, gurjaras, ethiopians, hindustanis, koreans, magyars, poles, saracens, turks
I’m saracen
I know a lot of Ethiopians, a Viking, a few Malians, and a Gurjara.
I myself am a frankensteins monster if ancestry is accounted for.
Tueton, Briton, Celt, Viking, Saracen, and Frank.
Close friends for me would be; Gurjara, Celt, Persian.
Me, I am a mix of Briton, Frank, Mongol & Berber.
I am from gurjars; ik people from bengalis, dravidians, chinese, spanish, britons, slavs, bohemians, turks, saracens, malians, franks, poles.
I know a Slav (I think he was born in Ukraine, but even if he was born in America, English is not his first language).
For my ancestry, I’m the Teutons, the Vikings, and the Celts, among others.
For what it’s worth: I’m Aztec/Spanish and i know all the meso civs, all the Indian civs, Malay, Berbers, Saracens, Koreans, celts, Britons, franks, Spanish, Ethiopians, Slavs and i think that’s it.