How Did You Increase Your Actions Per Minute in This Game?

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    Currently, I’m a 1k ELO player and I can confidently execute regular 21-22 pop fast feudals or 25-28 pop fast castles and even 19 pop scouts.

    However, I recently saw a BO by Hera called 19 pop archer rush which requires luring deer and boar and executing a devastating archer rush on the opponent.

    When I tried to do this BO, I found it to be very difficult in terms of managing the food sources and pushing the deer into TC range in time.

    It’s much easier to manage the food sources in regular fast feudal or fast castle BO, but this BO requires extreme speed and accuracy.

    Thus, I’m not sure what I’m missing and would appreciate any advice to help me become better at this.


    I think practicing the build order itself is the best way to increase APM.

    I wouldn’t specifically focus in increasing APM, but instead identify problem areas in your play and iron them out.

    This will inherently increase your APM.

    So in your example save the game right before you’re luring the boar and pushing deer.

    That’s a problem area you have.

    Practice just that until you can do it pretty cleanly.

    Kinda like practicing the piano, don’t just play the whole song to learn it, there will be easy parts and hard parts and you need to break it down and practice certain sections.

    You can also make a save game once you hit fuedal and practice continuously making army and vils and keeping your wood low until you hit castle.

    Getting good at this will inherently increase your APM too.

    If you really want to practice multitasking, I use a scenario where I just put a boar in the corner with a scout and give both a bunch of hp.

    Then while executing your BO, try to lure the boar from one corner to another.

    This is very hard though.


    This seems like such a waste of time for some at 1k ELO to be focusing on.

    Now OTOH if you want to do it there really is no secret other than breaking it down and practicing it.


    Hotkeys, control groups, practice.

    Create a save just before the part you’re having trouble with.

    Once you can get it right under repeatable conditions, you can start adding wrinkles like different map layouts.

    Here are a few tips:

    I learned to avoid idle time by spamming the vil queue hotkey for vils 7-8 when they’re about 70% done.

    Be ready to force drop boar meat at least 3 times – the optional one is if the boar comes in when you’re below 50 food.

    A slick way to avoid idle time as the 2nd boar comes in is by garrisoning the TC and queuing a vil before firing arrows at the boar.

    Make your house early.

    You don’t want to wait until vil 13 because you’ll be dealing with the boar and pushing deer by then.

    You can even make the 3rd house house at the start if you don’t mind not having it as a wall near your woodline.

    If you push one deer before taking a boar, you can kill the boar in one shot instead of two, because you’ll have 9 vils under the TC (including the luring vil) just as the boar comes in.

    You do have to force drop the deer meat.

    5 vils on deer will collect the deer just in time for you to push another deer, 4 vils on deer will give you some wiggle room.

    Walk the next sheep to be slaughtered onto the body of the last sheep and and shift-queue your vils to it.

    Saves vil walking time.

    If the vils are having trouble finding a place to gather from the boar, don’t panic.

    Select the vils, hold Alt, right-click the boar, then right-click the boar without holding Alt.

    Some of the vils will stand on the corpse instead of only gathering in a circle around its edge.

    I call this “boar on the floor.” It’s a lifesaver when the boar is accidentally wedged up against the 2 story portion of the TC.


    – Once you master a BO, practice it on 2x speed.

    – Play some 2x speed matches against extreme AI (don’t try to micro archers too much though, it messes with your muscle memory)

    – hotkey everything.

    From vill to upclick to eco upgrades and unit production).

    If unhappy or uncomfortable, put in the time to set up comfortable hotkeys and practice them a bit against AI

    – play a lot.

    Practice gives routine.

    Routine gives confidence.

    Confidence gives speed.


    I made a 19 Pop archers build order that doesn’t require pushing deer.

    So it may be easier for you as a 1K player.

    Do you want to try it?


    Well firstly I need to say that heras 19 pop BO is not for 1v1 but team games since its fairly easy to counter.

    You need scouts on your sides for this to be not all in strat.

    Second.If you want to do this BO anyway,you probably just need to remember every step and not reading while playing.

    Also try using follow command on deers, maybe you will find that more comfortable

    Dont bother about fast feudal BO’s.

    Practice classic ones and you will be able to perform any BO sooner or later


    Just playing the game and watching replays.

    That and if you want an exhausting session of high APM madness you can always play Bohemians.


    Hotkeys, hotkeys, hotkeys….

    I only click if it is the only option.

    Then practice accuracy an… then through muscle memory my apm increased


    It gets easy even with low apm after some practice.


    Consider spending 5 hours practicing.

    Consider doing it for 3 days.

    At the end of the practice you will absolutely be able to execute the build order

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