Have There Been Any Updates Regarding the “Return to Rome” Expansion?

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  • #8622

    Clear and Understandable


    Dont expect any leaks here

    Leaks just arent allowed


    There has been leaks but those do not end up here.

    There was Insider Betas in November and December.

    Some general stuff:
    Microsoft Vietnam has partnered with VTC game to distribute AoE games and publish(?) Return of Rome game/DLC and grow esport scene in vietnam, it is essentially 2nd attempt to bring Vietnamese players to DE version and grow international esport scene.

    However that might be hard if they cannot convince top OG aoe players to play it (they get less viewers if they stream DE version), CSDN (RBW:L winner and tournament host, top streamer) has partnered with VTC game and Microsoft to promote new version [atleast by reading VTC game’s annoucement made in September](https://vtcgame.vn/tin-tuc/vtc-bat-tay-microsoft-de-phat-hanh-game-de-che-tai-viet-nam-24870).


    You wont find much.

    Nothing official, and all early access players were under NDA, so most official channels can’t really talk about it.


    There was a leaked image that I have saved, but I’m not posting it here.

    That’s not a good idea.

    Don’t expect much, as any leaks will just get shot down.

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