Have I Reached My Limit? Am I a Poor Player or Struggling Learner?

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    I dont think it is your ceiling.

    You need proper build orders and you need a game plan.

    Think about the latter.

    What was your game plan when you played the game.

    Did you have one?

    Then think what would be the optimal gameplan for a certain matchup/map.

    Why did you lose your games?

    You got pushed of gold?

    You got late game with an inferior civ?



    Hard to give proper advice without seeing recs, but what i recommend is watching Hera’s “beginner to 2k guide”, the old Voobly version (his new guide is good, i just think the old one is the best mid level guide out there.)

    Here’s the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2FJAAVz1Meujd2u7N8GD8fOwEfR9qXuV

    If you decide to watch, skip the first video (Voobly tutorial), and i recommend watching only 1 or 2 videos a day to not get overwhelmed.


    The answer is you just have to learn the build order properly.

    You win every game at 1000 elo by doing the following:

    Download ciceros build order practice mod.

    Master the regular scouts build and the regular archer build.

    Mastering means you get consistent As.

    Now you know your opening for an arbitrary civ.

    You have to do a second thing: never idle your production buildings and attack constantly.

    For example you will be earlier in feudal and get a lead with scout aggression afterwards you will be earlier in castle and finish your opponent with knight raids.

    Everyone will just die against your pressure.

    This will get you until ~1300, assuming you play terrible otherwise.


    From my experience…

    I stuck for long at the same ELO, cause I wasn’t paying attention to my mistakes.

    I just playing and playing and hoping to get better.

    Doesn’t work like that ..

    u must watch your games even the wins and find what’s wrong.

    At low ELO u have a loooot of wrong thinks to look at, even when u win.

    So start playing paying attention to not make some specific mistake from the previous game.

    And so on.


    It’s hard to say for sure what the problems are without seeing a recording.

    Also, be very wary of people who tell you “do this one specific thing and it will automatically get you to X elo.” Those types of statements are usually based on sweeping generalizations that don’t necessarily apply to everyone.

    It all depends on where your personal skillset currently is – something we can’t really know without seeing a recording.


    Message me and we can do some coaching


    Focus on macro and game mechanics instead of cool strategies.

    Your strategy doesn’t matter if the opponent has 2x the units you do and kills you.

    Focus on early game, late game won’t even happen if you kill your opponent.

    If you spam archers out of 2 range well enough at 1000 elo, you won’t be 1000 elo anymore, macro and army numbers.

    Watch good players and do what they are doing instead of what you are doing.


    not so long ago i boosted an account from 870 to 1300-something .

    What i found out people do really bad is:

    – their starts ( idle time, chosing bad build orders, efficiency problems,etc.)

    – they panic a lot with trash units, and i mean a LOT.

    If u play 4 scouts in feudal its like they make 10 spears.

    At the first army switch or castle age army/siege they die.

    – idle time and bad eco managment

    – one match a guy doubled my avg EAPM( he had like 80 average on arena), when i watch the rec i found out his army was attacking super weird , i assume he spammed clicks a lot bc of how his army behaved).

    Dont force u to be faster, just be efficient.

    – around 1200/1300 i encountered some people that spent a lot on big walls really really early ( this kill your eco, it can work but you need to defend and have an eco advantage at some point).

    – Building placement and reading the map( sometimes people spend lots of resorces on fully walls just to keep his foward berrys inside,its usually not worth it.

    Also if u have an important resource foward its probably better to drop military buildings in front of it to to defend it easyer).

    Also how to wall properly, this is hard to explain and do so i would suggest watch how 2300 or 2400 defensive players wall and defend.

    – Not Having a plan for the game, this happended a lot in 900 to 1100 when they just went fast feudal into nothing, like only barracks mining gold and stone early and no range or stable while being fully open.

    Also doing the opposite is bad too, like for example assuming he is going to do X thing without scouting it or thinking it more than 2 seconds.


    Look, i need to get better at my spoken english so if u want i can give you some light-coaching using discord .


    I’m jealous of you.

    You have 3300 games and a 50% WR.


    – You have the time to play

    – You are matched against players of your skill level

    If I were you, I’d try new strats, but I wouldn’t worry much about my ELO


    One classic trap is that while mixing the civs and playing a lot, you end up doing the same every game.

    Try games with one TC all in, even maybe games where you go triple stable in Castle Age right away and stop vil production and see what happens…From your text, and of course this is completely guessing out of the blue, maybe military underproduction could be a thing.

    Check on recs how often your production building is idle, how many production buildings you have at point in game etc ….


    2500 Games random civ, I think you dropped this 👑

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