Have Games Been Dropping Lately Before Entering Matches?

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  • #22080

    Have you experienced getting kicked back to the menu screen while waiting to join a match?

    It’s a common occurrence in most games but why do I receive a time ban and lose elo when I didn’t even get to play or quit the actual game?


    It’s been happening to me more often recently.

    Excessively long wait times, then either immediate resigns (drops) when the game finally loads or messages about being disconnected from multiplayer services.


    I have the same issues.

    If you restart aoe after each match it doesn’t seem to happen at all/that often.

    Looks like maybe a memory leak problem as the ram used by the Programm stays very high after a match and does not seem to decrease at all.


    Yeah had one yesterday and day before.

    The one yesterday was a 4v4 that went 3v3 and we played so it was still fun.


    Some of those who can play are crashing often, and I can’t even launch the game consistently after the update back in early February.

    I managed to get it to work when I found some random beta called “enhanced_logging – enhanced_logging – diagnostic builds for enhanced logging” that someone mentioned after 3 weeks of trying to find a fix.

    But then the game updates again, and then I can’t launch the game anymore with that beta.

    Another 2 weeks go by without luck, but then I look around again, and find that a new beta popped up called “pup_feb – Public Update Preview Branch for February”, download it, game launches again, 2 days later, it doesn’t anymore.

    Can they just give me a beta that won’t be touched/updated anymore or something just so I can at least play the singleplayer campaigns?


    Because the DE devs hate us


    Same here.

    This game is still buggy garbage after 20 years lmao.


    I’ve been having the following problems recently:


    Game crashes a few seconds after the loading screen appears.

    I go back to “finding match” a few seconds after joining a match.

    The game is stuck on the loading screen for multiple minutes, at which point I can only alt+f4 and try again.

    Combined with other people having the same issues and dropping the moment the match starts, yesterday I had five games in a row where I either never got into the game, or resigned immediately because my teammate dropped.

    It’s honestly pretty annoying.


    Yes, i’ve noticed it too.

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