Has a Solution Been Found for Recent System Crashes?

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  • #13557

    Ever since the latest update for the Xbox, I’ve had numerous crashes, where the game suddenly shuts down and sends me back to the desktop without warning.

    This can occur at any moment, both in the menu and during a match.

    I’ve been unable to complete a single game for over a week now.

    I have attempted to resolve the issue by reinstalling, updating my graphics card drivers, and altering a few graphic settings, but nothing has worked.

    My computer is able to run other games with more demanding requirements without any issues.

    I am not alone in this problem and I am becoming increasingly frustrated.


    Some of the devs have commented on other posts that they are aware of the problem and are trying to fix it.

    You can find them if you really dig through different posts to find a fix for the issue

    However as someone who’s regularly effected I think they need to make an official post or at least some sort of official recognition because the fact that (at least) 1 in 3 TGs have drops or the bug where some of the lobbies don’t show is a pretty significant impact to people playing the game.


    Tried everything.

    However, if I run the game through Xbox store instead of steam I get no crashes.


    Yea, I stopped playing online because of it.

    Nothing helps.

    On the plus side, saving every 5 minutes, I finally finished Jadwiga 4 on Hard.


    Yoinking thread but, is anyone have random stutters now too?

    Happens like every 40 seconds, like half a second freeze.

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