Grasping Repeatable Technologies

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  • #15019

    My web search has been unsuccessful, so I’m turning to the knowledgeable people here for assistance.

    Can someone explain to me the difference between repeatable and non-repeatable techniques?

    I know that murder holes are used in towers and castles and that ballistics can be used on multiple units, but supplies only work for militia lines and squires are for all infantry.

    I’m not sure if it makes a difference, but I’m curious to learn more about the strategy behind it.


    i’m sorry what?

    no tech is repeatable unless you’re playing with mods


    There are no techs that are repeatable, unless you are referring to something like blacksmith, farm, lumber camp, or mine upgrades.


    The Repeatable flag means that the technology can be researched multiple times if either the x256 cheat is enabled, or a RMS/scenario flag is set to Stacking Enabled for a specific tech.

    The order for allowing stacking is as follows:

    Repeatable > Stacking On (cheat or trigger) > Stacking Cap (trigger – which can range from 1 to 256, default 256)

    If either of these values are null, then the tech cannot stack.


    It has to do with whether a tech multiplies a value (Squires) or “sets” a value (including to a certain condition, like smart projectiles of ballistics).

    Most techs that improve visible stats (multiply) are repeatable.


    From the comments I now think I understand the sets VS multiplies difference.

    Murder holes sets min range to zero, ballistics sets leading shots or other “aiming” to yes.

    Supplies sets the new food cost.

    Parthian tactics and thumb ring add to accuracy, change the multiplier on firing speed.

    Squires is a multiple on speed applied to all units.

    Damage increases are added on to every unit that comes out.

    Sicilians unique techs are a good example: Hauberk adds the damage to knight line, this repeats on every unit.

    First Crusade only allows the one time add of those Sergeants from TC’s.

    If this tech instead let you get 5 upon completion of a castle, it would then be repeatable because you can trigger that benefit again.

    Edit: I was wrong.

    I was thinking this was kind of an insight into how it was coded, but it turns out it all seems to be for the mods and cheats.


    what do u mean with repeatable?

    I think thats for the x256 tech mod



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