Generating money for AOE2

- This topic has 25 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by .
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Most games these days generate extra income through skins.
This should become a feature for AOE2.
Civilization specific skins for units and buildings would definitely generate some income and help to further finance and improve the game.
Mongol castles should not look the same as japanese ect.
They could introduce it as single skins for individual civs and also have a deal to buy all current civs reskin.
This skin feature should only work for the individual on their own screen.
My only problem with this idea is that it honestly does get hard to tell some units apart.
I no more spent nothing for this broken game, if you think the income will be for development haha, this game is done, let see how they broken aom retold, but I see already desaster.
i would buy the shit out of that
Why not
How do they make money?
Genuine question
Jeszs please no.
More skins would confuse me a lot.
Honestly I’m already fine with $15 for 2-3 civs and some campaigns every 8 months.
Additionally I support streamers and community content (financially) which while not directly contributing to the devs does promote the game as a whole.
I don’t feel any need to support the game more.
Oh yes, more of the capitalistic impulse to continuously generate new shit with which to plunder kids with atention disorders who need ten different outfits in an archer to avoid existential boredom.
You didn’t see the “age pass” leak recently i assume
0.99$ for +1 range on archery range units for next 5 ranked gsmes.
Part of the charm of aoe2 is the reasonable level of authenticity of the game’s visuals and adding a skins to a game almost always lead to absurd levels.
If there was a guarantee to maintain a certain level of historical accuracy I’d be down for it.
It it’s spaceships zooming around and weird shit like that then plz no.
No, absolutely not.
Hard disagree.
This game is a legacy project, a beautiful relic from a different time.
Leave it as it is.
Are you a hidden AOE2de dev and just exploring with the reactions to such idea? 2 cents i bet.