Frustrated with Multiplayer 2v2/3v3/4v4.

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  • #21973

    So many bad takes in this thread – you’ll notice certain types of player in this community love to project and pad their ego with an insult rather than try to give you a useful answer.

    I’ve noticed two things:


    You’re playing Quickplay which is unranked therefore you’re not gaining or losing any Elo and so you’re kinda “stuck” until you can move up the ladder a bit (looks like this issues was already resolved).

    Based on what you’re describing it does seem like you might move up the ladder a bit but don’t be surprised if ranked is initially tougher than expected (compared to Quickplay).

    Take it in stride, learn, adapt, and most importantly have fun!


    Try to reach out to some players after games, add them to your friends list and see if they want to join up.

    Like League of Legends (or any competitive online game) going into a game with randoms is essentially a roll of the dice (pre-made team is a huge advantage at the lower Elo).

    You’ll probably win and lose games more often than not because players resign early, disconnect, fail to assist teammates or make risky decisions (my favorite is when your ally decides for the team of randoms that everyone should go “all-in” aggressive, refuses to read the room, and bolts into the front line with a lofty forward of some kind, only to get butt hurt and start flairing wildly and slinging insults when it instantly backfires—this seems to happen a lot, so my best advice is if you’re paired with a headstrong player try to zig to their zag as best as you can…don’t become overly attached to a single strategy or fault your ally for minor mistakes, these are shared learning experiences and it’s really easy (believe it or not) to queue up and start another match without putting someone else down).

    Anyway hope you’re enjoying the game otherwise, competitive AOE2 is a ton of fun.


    Fun fact: if you are at the same elo as them and you played more than a few games you aren’t better than them, you just don’t see your own problems


    Which elo?


    I feel that 11
    What elo range are you?


    The ELO system works great.

    If you are matched with those people, you’re at their level.

    Just the facts…


    Or maybe you are playing the same if you get grouped with those people.

    Just food for thought.


    TGs with randoms = worst AoE2 experience possible.

    TGs with friends = best AoE2 experience possible.

    1v1 = somewhere in between.

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