Frequently Encountered Scenarios in CBA
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Anonymous Player.
January 26, 2023 at 11:20 am #4438
Anonymous Player
MemberThese are general situations that I have frequently encountered patterns of in over 4000 random team random civi CBA matches I have played throughout 7 years.I would like to contribute them to the AoC community knowledge as my final involvement in TG CBA.
But before I get into them, I would like to tell you why I no longer wish to be involved in TG CBA anymore.
Simply because there have become too many overrated players that ruin the matches.
If you want to know where those overrated players come from, read below:
It is a fact that video games today emphasize on team play skills.
MOBAs for example have caused people to become more willing to team work and share effort in all video games.
I believe that this has affected AoC gameplay as well.
However, a serious problem has risen.
The new rating algorithm, combined with this new team work mentality, have caused people to unfairly team against strangers, many of them who are of lesser skill or knowledge about CBA.
I can confidently recall that in 2012, most of the games except proper 2k games were random team games, but nowadays the general case has become at least two fmt, often more.
You may say, two fmt is okay even vs less knowledge, but actually it’s not, that’s %50 of the entire team.
Basically this has led to the actual skill attached to rates do drop significantly.
I am confident that 18xx games today are identical in terms of skill to 16xx games in 2012.
I have seen some true horrors done by various 18xx, 19xx allies over my past few CBA matches.
By the way, this applies to some 2k players as well, because they reached 2k to begin with as a result of this problem.
As for CBA Hero, I won’t event speak because it’s obvious.
These situations assume your team doesn’t hard-counter two or more of your enemy civis.
These situations work both ways, for you or against you, but I have written them against you to keep you on guard.
23 Razing Party
Sometime after a player razes, it happens often that he is fully targeted by two or more enemies because they know he must have built in his base and that they will be able to take free razes easily from weak military buildings and partially built buildings.This can happen often to Vikings.
A good way to avoid or mitigate this massive fail is to always wall base opening before building in front of your castles, and then asking for ally help.
The Fantastic Four
It happens at times when the entire enemy team will be rushing civis (melee civis).In this situation it is very easy to get rushed.
In this case military buildings are secondary.
Setting raze for at least one player and asking him to wall himself and allies is the main task for you to not lose the game.
Always leave some units in your base to cover gates.
Always send some units to middle to early scout enemy rushes.
Alone and Crying
If an ally is trapped between four enemies, the player trapped between four needs to send the first few units spawned to an ally base in order to raze.It will be impossible to get out once enemy is at gates.
The ally with best civi for setting gates should use a few units only to set the gate, then send the newly spawned ones inside (no patrol) the trapped ally.
The remaining two allies need also to send most of their spanwed units from start to the trapped player (again send inside as soon as possible, because if you waste time fighting outside you’ll get outnumbered and die).
The Circus
If you’re is next to an enemy Persians, and there is no Saracens in your team, then you need to raze as soon as possible.Constant elephant flood is impossible to stop without Saracens or walls.
Do the same thing as in the situation when you’re trapped between four enemies.
Mighty Mameluke
If Saracen enemy is flank (between one ally and one enemy, or between two enemies), and you have at least one ranged unit on your team, then it is a good idea to attack Saracen from start.Saracens are only very strong when they are full pop.
If you force Saracens to engage enemy with low pop, they will be greatly delayed and possibly in danger of being rushed.
A pocket Saracens (between two allies), is impossible to rush without Teutons.
In this case it is a must to move together as a team to take razes before Saracens spawns fully.
Gunning for Glory
Spanish and Turks is a powerful combo that deals great damage to all units except rams.Simply put, if you have this combo, then you shouldn’t really lose.
Both of them can lead kills, support rushes, set razes, defend allies.
Spanish mobility makes them able to safely infiltrate deep enemy areas without melee support.
They are excellent at killing villagers and delaying enemy buildings.
Turks have the longest range in feudal fight, and so simply standing with a runner will give an easy kill lead.
If you’re against this combo then there really isn’t a specific strategy to do, since this combo can do everything.
Play a standard raze/fight game, keep up with kill lead, avoid bad fights, and don’t rely on rushing.
Speedy Gonzales
The biggest danger I can face when playing as Persians is having Huns in enemy team.With the huge mobility difference and how fast Huns damage structures, Huns can kill a Persian player even if he is using half of his population to block.
To counter this you can attempt to block your gates at start, block all three and leave only a small opening to get out.
When one gate falls, go back and block sides with a lot of units, and also block the front side of the two middle castles.
Once you walled yourself or an ally has walled you, the game turns to your advantage.
It is useful to wall base entrance as well, since a fully saving Hun player can still break your walls and rush your castles if you’re not paying attention.
I also hope you don’t let Huns sneak 80 tarkans through your back gate while you’re using far spawn.
Khan and Alfonso
Mongols and Spanish is an extremely powerful combo that is also common.They both have high mobility, can lead kills, set up razes, and support rushes, and defend allies.
Again if you have this combo then you shouldn’t lose.
If you’re playing against this combo, play the same way described above against Spanish and Turks.
A Game of Cat and Mouse
It happens sometimes that you’ll have three archery civis on your team vs goth on the enemy team.The fourth player on your team, will likely be a melee civi.If you’re in this situation, you need to focus on razing as soong as possible.
The melee player on your team can either defend you while you raze, or can set you razes himself.
It is the duty of the three ranged players to defend their melee ally base because his base will be somewhat empty.
It’s also possible that the enemy will heavily attack your melee ally in order to allow Goths to gain total map control.
If you’re the Goth player, make sure to not lose too much pop early.
Defend your ally gates at start until you spawn 80 pop, then you can begin rushing castles.
The Bandits of CBA
This is a less common situation, but it happens often in CBA Hero.In this situation the enemy will have two or more ranged units and a melee ally.
The enemy will attempt to stack all ranged units behind the melee ally to provide buffer for easy kills and razes.
In a situation where this tactic is possible, you need to focus on cutting off the enemy path towards their melee ally base, because if you wait until they group fully you won’t be able to engage effectively.
Focus on camping the path between the ranged enemy bases and the melee enemy base.
A Note on Gates (not Bill)
All players need to attack gates of all enemies throughout the match.Attacking gates serves more purpose than just getting villagers.
It is a way to deliver counter attacks, diverting attention, forcing enemy to keep some units inside in fear of a rush, killing enemy villager, and destroying military buildings built.
There’s no such thing as “it’s not my responsibility to attack gates.” Even if that enemy is a hard-counter for you, you can damage their gates enough for others to raze them or raze them yourself later.
Always attempt to open all enemy gates, especially if they have a stronger army than yours, or especially when you have two or more rushing civis on your team.
If an ally is under heavy attack and the enemy has stronger army, go rush their gates to force some of them to retreat.
A Note on Rally Points
In cage and imp fights.A bad rally point will cause your population to drop by half or even worse.
Always keep your rally points at most behind the first line of fighting units.
Always use separate rally points for melee units and ranged units.
Only set your rally point forward when you’re very sure that you have well-outnumbered your opponent (and his allies) that you’re ready to destroy his base.
If Enemy has Stronger Army and you can’t Rush
Make sure you always keep your population high, and make sure to fight with allies from the start of the match.Outnumbering enemy is the only wait to get kills in this case.
Counter attacks at gates can be useful as well.
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