Forming Xbox Military Clans

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  • #10364

    I understand that there are many questions about the new Xbox, so I’ll make this one brief.

    Is there a way to divide your military forces into separate groups on Xbox, and then choose them that way?

    This would make it simpler to micro-manage two armies, rather than selecting all siege, melee, range, or cavalry units.


    Yes, but you have to switch to the Advanced interface.

    Look it up in the options menu, under the interface tab.

    It changes the controls a bit, you should play a warm up match to get used to them, but they’re better in my opinion.


    Yeah in advanced tab, you highlight your military, hold LT and flick the analogue in a direction then hold X to create a group


    Well how about that my two complaints with the game can be fixed in the options.

    (My other complaint was the text to voice menu narration).


    In the Advanced UI…

    Hold LB then select all the units you want in the group.

    Then you can assign it to a spot in the control wheel.

    Btw, it clearly shows this in the HUD in the upper left hand corner.

    The LB with the banner icon.

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