for decreasing workplace stress Offer Ideas for Reducing Job Anxiety

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Human_Sock_6206.
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    I am a player who is roughly 800 ELO and I have had success by quickly building castles and then producing camels for Hindustani or knights for Sicilians.

    My main focus is on gathering resources so I can make powerful castle age units.

    Are there any other civilizations that work well with this strategy?

    Additionally, I am not very good at micro-management, so I usually go with melee units rather than ranged ones.


    You shouldn’t fast castle on Arabia but you might like khmer or Lithuanians, both get some extra food and have good fast castles into knights, Lithuanians can get 14 attack knights in castle age and khmer can reach castle age by like 13 minutes.

    Plus they’re not known for having micro intensive units.


    at 800 elo, the limiting factor in castle age is not your civilization, but your ability to macro.

    you want to pump out villagers from 3 tcs and have 3-5 stables working, while having all your upgrades, constantly add farms up to 40+ and not get housed too much.

    whether you do that with franks, lithuanians, teutons, persians, khmer or any other is only a marginal factor: as long as the civ has bloodlines and can transition to cavalier in imp, youll be golden


    Given elo, my top 3 for knights would be Lithuanians teutons and franks.

    Lith have 150 food at beginning which is great for giving a margin of error (less likely idle tc) during dark age and good knights.

    Tuetons cheap farms so you need less on wood and put down more farms .

    And franks.

    Good berry bonus plus free horse collar and heavy plow is good for farming eco as well.

    Also free bloodlines (for knights)

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